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More & more Fake News from MSM!....:)...

Thank You, Gregory, Upvoted, and Resteemed.

AMD should be a good long term play
see you Monday !

#LovelyFriday upvoted resteemed Paying some forward to homeless in San Diego. stacking some silver to pay much more forward when it breaks out!

nice sharing bro robin hood.. thanks

well this is also a great new for stock

Yes it is really good.

Greg, your help has given me the opportunity to donate to various causes that I have always wanted. I now donate to a local homeless shelter, a local community action partnership, i was able to sponsor a local athlete in an all star game and we have sponsored a child through compassion international! His name is Walbel! Our family and Walbel's family appreciates You!

Way cool keep it up and God Bless you and your family.

Thanks for the update. it would be helpful to know when the bonds are selling off, the cryptos are down but the stocks are going up - why?

yes I would like to know about the high risk trades with them labeled high risks.

Paying it forward and backward. I'm a partially disabled vet from an elite unit and I've paid for that in the past and continue paying for it now. I have 2 rescue poodles and a disabled wife. I donate to Christian ministries, been involved in politics for 40 years, member of the NRA, GOA, American Legion and Oathkeepers. Sent a letter to each Senator yesterday.

I appreciate your helping us with the market.

Upvoted and resteemed.

Greg u ar eawesome.......and yes this pay it forward gimmic is spectacular. I have not been vocal much about my charities, every year with my fiancee we choose one. Last year we donated to a men's shelter, this year we are working toward sick kids. So on and so forth. We sometimes as human forget about others when we are so entrenched in to the daily grind and family especially as they can be a handful at times or even a charity to itself.....;) Thank you for this reminder and its nice to hear it from you once in awhile when we put ourselves in check. With this have a great week end!

upvote and resteem marketreport

Thx Greg, update appreciated as always.

As far as paying it forward, some of the organizations and charities that my wife and I support are St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Cook Children's Hospital, Shepherd's Counseling Services, our local church building project, and specific individuals identified as in need at various points in time. I certainly believe in paying it forward and look forward to being able to do more going forward. Keep up the good work and I appreciate you championing the pay it forward concept.

On a secondary note, I wouldn't mind knowing about your high risk trades when you make them. You're expertise, advise, and commentary are invaluable, especially in a world where there is so much misdirection and misinformation dispensed by our "leaders."

Hi Greg, I don't write here often, but I do watch your post every business day. I loVe your market analyses. However, I don't trade as much. I do mostly midterm and long term investments.

Even though I had only started trading your recommendations literally last week, I do want to let you know that I have always given to charity work, and will continue to do so whether or not I trade based on your recommendations.

Thank you again for your work. I do realize that people pay big premium to have services and commentaries like yours, and most of the time, they are not even half as good as you are.

I really do appreciate it.

Upvote and resteemit ...

Thank you Greg for your video, next week will be interesting to say the least and I believe you may be right next will be green and time to RIP the face off the market. I have been following your advice in my trades for about a month and I will pay it forward. My family gives the first 10% sometimes more to charity and we are firm believers that you cant out give God. The blessings that come we may not literally see IE monetary but they are there if you slow down long enough to be still and look.

You were right, we finished up!

Hi Greg, I have been a listener for a long time. I would love to have some money available so I can participate on your trading, and you are totally right, it is really important to share your love to others and not been greedy. Whatever goes out it will go around, and eventually it will come back to you.
You have a great one.

Thanks Greg! Just started trading and watching you, and after decades of Truth searching I can say that you know some stuff. I am paying it forward by saving humanity, helping the pedestrian crab people to become multidimensional before it's too late!!

thank you for sharing

The very important information I really like my blog will resteem your information to my blog

excellent your post Thanks for sharing i will done up vote

im going to see your video

excellent your post Thanks for sharing i will done up vote

excellent your post Thanks for sharing i will done up vote

excellent your post Thanks for sharing i will done up vote

excellent your post Thanks for sharing i will done up vote

Look at the balance sheet drop again. I am not sure if we should be bullish yet.

@marketreport They dropped it another 20B again. This is a huge drop and should affect the market

Hi Greg. I do not know if you have done this before, but I will ask anyway. What do say to someone who wants to trade, but only has $100 free cash?

Wow !!
@marketreport...Once agian
Thanks for sharing it

great post.good work.

Sir you've this ability to written anything pretty well. Keep it up and well done sir 👌

Nice article sir. Go ahead 👍

Great to see your post sir. Its look awesome.

That's a superb post.@Upvoted and @resteemed.

thanks for sharing this investing blog.keep it up

Upvote & resteemed

Sir, You always share the good content & hidden truth. Thank you so much for that.
Upvoted & resteemed.

That's a superb post.@Upvoted and @resteemed.

That's a superb post.@Upvoted and @resteemed.

Thank you Mr. Robin Hood!

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