
Be glad Greg that someone else is now awake and referencing it in its proper truth ...that it IS a global debt bubble. At least they are not spreading a falseness. Perhaps you should copyright your words.

Do you think you were really the first to say global debt bubble? Has been a really obvious conclusion for at least a decade. Did you also invent the terms Ponzi scheme, fiat currency & hyperinflation?

Yes I not only think I am the first to say Global Debt Bubble, I know I am. With regard to the other terms, no. Does that help you out or are you still confused?

Your logic is flawed, we don’t know what we don’t know unless we truly believe we know everything. Does that make sense or do you still “know” you know everything?

I suppose you know everything. Conversation dismissed...

Quite the opposite, the point of my initial comment was that none of us know everything & the more we toot our own horn the more obvious it becomes.

I do not know everything by a long shot, I am the first to admit that. I just call it like I see it.

Same here, I appreciate your candidness. One of the main reasons I’ve followed your vlog for over a year. Occasionally, I like to throw my two cents in, for what it’s worth (two cents 😉).

Moreover, I am the first to put it this way... Click here:

Took me about a minute to find an example for you. The term debt bubble has been around a long time, throwing a global “tag” on it in 2015 & claiming it as your invention is silly. Anyone paying attention to the real economy since 2008 has heard many variations of this term because it is truly the environment we have been in. You can claim these obvious conclusions as your own stroke of genius if you want but it seems illogical from my perspective.

What’s more important, that people understand how the bubble is structured & maintained or who put obvious terms together first? I prefer the former.


Too bad, I have called this a Global Debt Bubble since at least 2010..

Good on you for trying to get information out 👍