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thanks @marketreport ..followed + upvoted + resteemed.

Thanks Gregory, Restreemed. I am happy with my, weekly, American Silver Eagle.

Thanks Greg. Bitcoin future up, guess it has to go up before wash rinse and repeat starts.

Greg you did a good job with this one and we did upvote and resteem for all to see

Hlw sir #marketreport thanx you so much for this helpful updates . & this post upvote & resteem done .

Thanx you so much Dear #marketreport for new updates . upvote &
resteem done .

Thanks greg voted and resteemed my friend, its criminal what they are doing to silver!

Thanks for sharing a helpful information sir

We are going to go higher for some time. They are rigging this big time. Resteem it.

thanks for the informative video upvoted + resteemed

i watch this post dear. it is very nice @marketreport .resteemed

Thank you for this


Upvoted and resteemed. Would like to stay on the updates espcially on crypto
Good job sir

informative video as usual thanks i appreciate your work on steemit i up voted & resteemed this post on my blog thanks

sorry for resteemed this post @marketreport

upvoted+ resteemed thanks for the wonderful information

Hey Gregory Mannarino,always like your post.also upvoted and resteemed.@marketreport

Very good video.I am just upvoting your post and resteem your post.

now today all coin growing. i means bitcoin The past report will be over.
now resteem done @marketreport

Greg do you have an other coins you fancy apart from bitcoin? , cheers

No words !!!!
upvoted and resteemed.

Resteem and Upvote now:)

Re-steemed and upvoted. On my way to YouTube for thumbs up action :-)
Thanks for the updates!!!

Upvoted and restreemed

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This is really helpful, thanks for sharing, will surely resteem this post

Nice post my friend

Good vido my friend

You're my main source of information Greg so yh thanks for that

what connection between stock market and btc i think btc go more up in next

Today's manipulation is somewhat gentle. Gold was beaten into submission in last weeks trading.

Hi Greg,
When money goes into the bond market, does that mean people are risk averse, and are going into the "safety" of bonds? Or does that mean they want risk, which means stocks go up? Thank you :)

These days the bond market is so rigged that the "safety trade" (cash into bonds) mantra went out the window.

great information in this video @marketreport. Thanks for sharing.i like your post and following.

thanx you so much sir for upvoted .

i saw this video and i liked in your post

You have made video blog on Mon day by making you and gives us more valuable information about buying market.I have seen your full video.You told that bitcoin is no acception.Your video time 6 minute 8 seconds really totally informative for us.Thanks #marketreport for sharing for this video.I always follow you and I have learned more from your content.

Nice video,thanks for good sharing

Thanks for your update news

Thanks for sharing this information. :)

Nice post bro..

Hey greg. Amazing video as usual. One question though. What do you think about recent hike of bitcoin futures?

Awesome video. I have been following you for years! Keep up the great work Greg “The Lion” Mannarino!

I was catching up on your vids last night, get some sleep man! Thank you for all your hard work and I agree with you 100%! Stay real and don’t let the ignorant AHs get to you. You are true, and many of us out here appreciate that about you. Peace.

You are the voice of reason when the Army of FUD is busy with it's campaign of nonsensical propaganda.

Welcome to Donald Trump's America.

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