
Thanks again, Gregory. Traded $4 fiat for one Grain Gold from the Local Coin Shop. Being my own central banker. BYOCB! 2A.png6g.jpg

Indeed it’s coming
But I’m Shocked it’s taken so long. Makes me wonder if this can go a other 12 - 36 months. I doubt it
But I said same thing in early 2016 so what do I know

A big financial issue is just around the corner. Thanks mike

I agree
But I also wonder with all the brainwashed sheep around if they can keep it going another couple years. I say no but I did in 2015/2016 also so I was clearly wrong then.

You make a good point and are probably right . Cheers mike

It is fascinating. In order for you to win as a trader, someone else has to take a loss. Could it be that goes for real life as well ..? Is life a zero-sum game?

You play with the big boys you lose... or you learn to beat them.

October 7, 2019... 15.5 Hollywood Time...

Sound money will NOT happen.. its a pipe dream.. remember I said that.

October 9, 2019... 9.3 Hollywood Time...