Lions! I Am Really Liking Tech Here. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

me smiling.png

OK Lions here we go.

In a video MarketReport that I did yesterday, I stated that we should be looking for and seeking to capitalize on a possible tech rebound.
Well, It is certainly no secret that both the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ have been the two laggards of the major three indices as of late, with the Dow Jones industrial average today now on track for its 10th record the close.

It appears to me that the tech sector is poised for a move higher, and subsequently I have put myself in a position to capitalize on it.

*To see my newest position(s), check my website, click here:

me steem.pngGregory Mannarino @marketreport


Thanks Greg. Just reading that the Dow is on pace for it's 10th record close, but it is reality with this bizarro market. Appreciate all you do brother!

upvoted and resteemed. Thanks for your input , i always look forward to it.

Thank You, Gregory. Looking forward to today's video. I'm heading up to local coin shop, while silver is still available, and on sale.

Greg I have to say it . YOU made a very Good call and Choice, and thank you for the info , we did upvote and re steem too.

thanks for the update greg

Love the post - Great content - Great Pictures and the perfect outlook ! ENJOY it!

I guess I'll keep my eyes on the tech sector.
Thanks for the suggestion Greg

Yes, keep watching QQQ in purtickler. For anyone long (and wrong!) my "suggestion" would be to panic early...avoid the rush. I will be ringing the bell at my new QQQ blog I just posted. "Hoping" to get er did before the day is through.

thanx @greg to ur prdiction on it and specially DOW and NASDA and yesterday sl and gl...thanx ur help for us everyday with ur post

Are you still expecting pressure in the metals?

Yes. I still have a small put position on SLV.

I was "kinda" hoping you dumped the SLV short into the close on that little run. Look what you did to tech today. Did you see Price Lie (PCLN) and NFLX after the bell?!! Good thing you had that "little teeny bit" of a NFLX short left...again, nobody actually knew you did until you revealed it later on. These are the kind of things you should be disclosing. I'm doing that now...while you work on the reason why the selloff happened today. People going to be looking for "excuses" on teh open methinks. :-) I'll see if I can get things right for you over nignt. If I can't work it out...don't PANIC on the open or worse yet take the other side of the trade waaay too late. It's going to take me longer to teach you how to trade than it is for you to train yourself not to jump on the next thing that moves. I didn't think you were like that, Greg. And once again, I'm glad you have a sense of humor. :-) Man the Maalox, Greg! :O

Hi Joe. First, my NFLX short is not so "tiny" as you would like people to believe-It was my initial "half" position for which I will add to if NFLX trades lower. Second, I have no obligation to "reveal" every move I make or don't make in this market to anyone, my picks are posted for free and I always urge people to do their own homework. There are many times I still hold positions, even add to them, after I pull them from my website, that is why personally I do not understand what you are trying to do by "keeping track" of my trades. There is no way you can do that accurately and personally I think you are doing a disservice to whomever looks at it as your record of my trades as it is massively wrong. I like you Joe, I really do, and I think you have a handle on this market and yes, I am the Maalox Man! ; ) Greg

I have no problem with anything you do because I have already taken the time to check exactly what happens in the contracts you post trades in. There is usually very low volume so anyone who has any understanding of how options trades work will know what you paid. Then they can see what you sold the for...according only to the "fact" that the trade was closed out at your web blog. As I said, the prices I quote at my blog about your trades are fact..."period!" you yourself would say. :-) To verify this I will ask you about today's new QQQ long entry. After you placed the trade....did you realize there were still only 2 contracts that had traded total in the Oct expiry $141 call strike for the next few hours? The bid hadn't even moved except for the jump in price that made you "ski daddle" out of your shorts with crap in em. If people want "full" disclosure about your actual trades as opened and closed at your blog...I am "the" source for that info-may-shun. I'm actually kinda "shocked!" that anyone would just follow blindly without taking the time to do the easy verifications of your trades. I know nobody is coming buy my place to see what you are actually doing. You got em by the balls, Greg...and some of them are ladies too! I think they are anyhoo...can't be sure nowadays. Anyway, whatever you say >>> They will listen. *-) I see SLV traded to 15.60 in AH...I want to see at least 15.58 on the open. Are you ready? Good, Greg, now that we know you have a "intsy weentsy" position in SLV short...whatcha gonna do next? I'll let you make the call. You noivous? :-)

Oh, if you answer my question about the fact that only 2 QQQ call contracts traded even hours after you spewed your long at TrradersChoice I will ask you the next question. But I'm not sure you want to go there because then you will be admitting the truth. Truth can't fool em, greg. :-)

I actually logged in your "initial" NFLX short entry in your week of 7/27 trade blog. When you closed it out today you did so at a small loss. You pretty much paniced out of short into long (maybe make mention that "i'm still hoding some NFLX short" in your follow up video mention of a NFLX short hold by you until later in the day via a reply to a question from one of your fans)...and tomorrow we see what happens next. As I said, with NFLX down at $6 lower than the close that will be a winner for you. Don't fugg it up. And if you do I will give you credit for being the first person I even met who fugged up an "unfuggable" trade. :-) The compooters actually "telegraphed" this low. It's easy to find out what the low on this chart actually is. But you are short the stock...I'm not. My call was to >>> "Buy the next selloff!" :-) Check this out though, Greg. the compooters ALWAYS tell you what they are thinking. Compooters actually think nowadays.

SLV premarket high wuz far. Now I can just place the blame for my bad SLV short on you. Thanks, Greg...thanks for "ruining" it. :-) Just joking of course. I can fixit before next Fri...but becuz of you @cantfightthefed is going to be all over my ass talking to himself about how wrong I was about the silver trade. You plan on panicing out on the open? Or do you want to work this debacle together? You have until when...Oct I figger? Which SLV puts did you buy? ??? Let's get your face back! Don't let it R.I.P. We can do this, Greg!! :-)

You closed NFLX short?

I still have a small short position in.

WoW greg your website is simply awesome full of knowledge.

sure sir we want to see ur web page to see ur newst postion

Thanks for the update ~ tech rebound should be interesting not sure how long it might last...

good work for ur help of traders its really a good blog for more help of traders

good work about ur infromations and more opinons on it

Thx Greg

greg one question. if you had 100k in your account, at the end of a month. how much profit would you have made? im asking because on the internet lots of people say that a 4% ROI monthly is great.

Thanks for the update. I am going to pass this one, waiting for S&P 500, to reach 2500 and then I will short the market.

Thanks for the update.

thanx for share ur knowledge with steemians sir

Thanks for the info ready to invest in tech.

greg i am new to this business but after reading your posts and articles i really learn trading alot.

Nice analysis greg we should capitalize on it.

@marketreport thanks to share such a wonderful analysis i really like your website.

Hi Greg, Thanks for the update. Always look forward to it. :C) Upvoted.

Thanks greg your analysis really helps us to perform the right trade.

I am long FANG.

Cool! Thanks Greg!

I am ready and waiting to jump in on the opportunities aas they appear.

Upvoted and Resteemed.
One day at a time. We will see what your talking in the Tech Sector like you said here soon enough. I am ready!

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Ahhhh QQQ, a tech ETF, it's starting to make sense...thanks for the clues buddy.

thanks for share..waiting for your next post ..
Plz upvote resteem and follow me @devrajlove

Thanks for the information greg glad to see the metals holding on cheers mate

Yes the S & P and Tech indeed may catch up with the dow. Thanks Greg!!!

I followed you for more updates , thank you for rolling out this awesome info

Thx Greg, you made good content

better be real nimble with any metals short because next big move is up.

Great post , thank you for sharing

Really helpful Post
thank you for sharing

Nice, i like it the your post, thanks. Resteem


Tech? Not looking too good. lol.

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nice post sir , upvote

Thanks Greg for your analytics, very interessing post