Gregory Mannarino
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Thanks again for your reporting, Gregory. I'm down on the Silver, for sure.
It will be interesting to see the opening futures numbers when it opens around 6pm eastern. China is looking to drop around 6-8% at the open, they are injecting liquidity to try to save the markets......Where have we heard that before?
Posted via Steemleo
As predicted, it wasn't too hard, but the Shanghai Index opened down around 9%, but has recovered to -7.5%. USSA futures, the S&P up +20 points, and of course, Silver down 12 cents, like every Sunday
Posted via Steemleo
In one of the 2019 interviews with Greg Hunter, Jim Sinclair made a short reference to the fact that a total collapse of the financial sector has been silently prepared for decades. He was refering to his family background, pointing at the family crest on his sleeve. It makes you stop and wonder. It gives credence to what you are saying about the end game.