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RE: (VIDEO) A Warning: The Time To Dump The Dollar Is NOW. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

Did you actually hear me say "put everything" in any one asset ever? NO. Please do not write nonesense on my blog.


The title is misleading!
I did not see the video, sorry if I hurt! Clarify yourself in a few words and not just in the video.

He responded that he really didn't watch the video; which is like writing a book review on a book you haven't read ...... "Ain't nobody got time for that."

you right.. but if the blogger wants for the good of peoples he should warn them as well

Lol. I say plan for both possibilities going forward. Hyperinflation means precious metals and crypto. Deflation means hold fiat and buy assets at firesale prices. Be vigilant and prepare...