Right Now Cryptocurrencies Are Getting Hammered, This May Be A BAD Omen For Stocks. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

Me new pic.jpg

Something is up and we need to watch this. Cryptocurrencies are being hammered right now @12.05pm PST. This may be a signal of steep losses for stocks coming in the short run. Keep your eyes on bond yields! https://www.traderschoice.net/

me steem.png

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You totally nailed today with this post! Stocks took a huge huge huge hit today. I don’t think the bleeding is over yet either. I don’t necessarily mean tomorrow is a down day but I think more down days are in our future than dead cat bounces.

Waoh,what a great words,i have gain alot from it,tanks you for sharing it

Interesting view.. Thanx!

This is a huge dip

upvote resteem everyting is done. sir kindly share with us when good news are coming from other end thanks

Yeah, I've been watching. Thank You, Gregory, Upvoted, and Resteemed.

Big manipulation in cryptocurrency resteem & upvote (y)


Greg, we did Up Vote and Re Steem for all to see

Up voted. I still like some cryptos though and think that this is a good buying opportunity (using fun money only, can not stress that enough).

Upvote and resteem done.


thanx greg for this news hope now crypto will be up as you say and also good work for give your reviews and share analysis and your always helpfull videos on stock

Very brave comment @shencoin. From your comment I can see how good you are. And as such I have to start following you to get some of your tips.

Yess absolutely...

resteem and upvote

wow, look out below... upvoted/resteemed

marketreport sir you give me always true infromtaion and opinions thanx sir for best work here

thats good and exellent work for your predtions on market with your videos and posts greg sir

Yes sir resteemed and upvote Mr robin hood @marketreport

resteem and upvote

Very informative! Resteemed.

resteem and upvote

i always like your efforts for good anylisis on market sir and your infomations are helpfull for me @upvote and @resteemd

Great post dear...I appreciate your post...Keep it up ..
Upvote and resteemit done. ✌✌✌

Im getting ready for a dip, which means it will probably bounce and i will be wrong again :) . Thanks for posting Greg.

Great post dear...I appreciate your post...Keep it up ..
Upvote and resteemit done. ✌✌✌

Crypto sell off is scary right now!

Thank you for your infirmation

Resteemed and upvote Mr Robin Hood

Thanks for sharing this news sir @marketreport I always wait for your post and wish you all the best keep it up I want to see you on the top of this community you are doing good work

Thank you so much Mr.Robin Hood :)

Resteem and upvote done sir:)

Thank you so much :)

Yes sir resteemed and upvote Mr robin hood

Thanks for sharing Mr Robin Hood

Upvote and restreemed done

Hi! Gregory Mannarino, I see your recent updates on steemit..... thanks for share with us. @upvoted this post.

upvoted and resteemed sir. Thank you

resteem donegreat post sir! Your site very nice with all post! Thank You @marketreport

Thanks for the update i also thinks that this will effect stock market also

Steemit_1.jpgupvoted & resteem done

Tomorrow is going to be a day to remember. Did anyone notice the number? 666 the Dow dropped 666 points.... actually 665.75..... wtf.... Everyone fasten your seat belts.

Yeah cryptos are dropping fast and furious...
Bond action tomorrow will be a great tell on what's ahead...
Thanx for the update!!!!
re-steemed and upvoted... :-)

Thanks for the update. This coming week should be most interesting. Whenever the NWO boys start losing control, I start worrying about us going to war with somebody without a really good reason. Upvoted and resteemed.

You got that right.... We are currently having military exercises with Israel and our military is taking position between the Kurds and Turkey in Syria. Could get ugly real fast.

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