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USD ded

Sounds like Greg is serious... something's up... The powers to be have been made with this Seth Rich revelation. They panic, and crash it all... chaos...

I agree, the proof is out and they know they are done so "pull the plug"...

what do we find this morning....

DRUDGE_REPORT DRUDGE REPORT tweeted @ 17 May 2017 - 12:22 UTC

Dollar losses build as crisis fuels fears for agenda...

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I am thinking this too. There appears to be a lot of desperate "distractions" to keep Seth Rich out of the news. The whole Russian narrative would explode in their face

She came, she saw, he died . . . .

.. and more uncertainty for USA future.
Congressmen Al Green from the Democratic Party has taken to the floor of the US House of Representatives and called for the impeachment of Donald Trump. This really big as reported

Gold up btc up 10yr yield down usd down this is the beginning of the end

I can't wait to see Pocket Change up... I figure it will gain 100 fold in buying power once the Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes collapse... Pocket Change...

Be aware, Steemit is real. Those dollar signs under Greg's post are real. You're reputation is real...

Annoying the wrong person here can cause your reputation and earning potential to fall below 0..

Welcome to Steemit..

its well on its way!! BRING ON THE SDR'S

Greg, is it possible that this recent cyber-attack has sent "jitters" through the market? Steve Pieczenik was describing that there is going to be a 2nd round of cyber-attacks, due to the first one being some kind of "worm" that left behind the "trojan horses" which will set off round two at some point in the future. Check my channel for the info. Thanks!

Someone/thing propped up the market during earnings. They may be pulling out and taking a short position.

Bonds are a safe-haven for people and firms that are uneducated about undervalued hard assets right now. (seems like gold and silvers current rally could last through the week)

All one has to do is look at the debt, unfunded liabilities and the ridiculous and shameful budget. Do the math.

Something is brewing?
Is it good for people who swallow the blue-pill or good for people who swallow the red-pill?

Fingers crossed for Red Pill ... Harsh as it may be.

It will be harsh for the blue-pill crowd, unfortunately, if the news favours the red-pill.

Too true, and I certainly do not wish ill upon anyone.
It's just gotta give. They've pushed it so far, and if they
get the final heave-ho in, we'll be living in Orwellian
arcologys sorely lacking in maintenance. ;-)

Everything thus far says Trump is driving this. Did you see the comments about Amazon and Bezos using Washington Post as a tax shelter? Maybe theres a crackdown on those who support Trumps opposition and where they may be funded. Maybe its a revolt... Very very wealthy and powerful folks within the markets can wield alot of power and we small potatoes do not matter. Fidelity is blaming Trump. Thats a big pool Gregory and thats not tge lone ranger or anything. Havent heard any attacks upon us or us upon others. Socials would be lit up. This has to be insiders weilding power anyway they can... Im on travel for work, west coast for the week... Keep us informed and stay on it if you would please.

Google "First NBC Bank of New Orleans"... Theyve failed with over 4 billion in debt... The start of things to come? The SIZE of bank failures are apparently at extreme levels. I dont think it will be simply one thing...

I never realized how difficult it would be to do my normal research on a mobile device versus my PC power! Uhhgggggg!

Another important video, Greg do you ever sleep. We appreciate everything that you do. Keep stacking . Great video

Just scan all the news i didnt see anything. Maybe its just the time we have been waiting for.

Democrats plan to Remove Trump with 25th Amendment?!?
Broke Last night by one of Trumps advisor, Roger Stone. Go to 1:45 min/sec mark to hear Roger stone.

This market has made no sense for quite some time. I'm a self educated value investor influenced heavily by Graham, Spier and Browne to name a few, and there simply is no value in the stock market and hasn't been for a long time. The numbers just don't add up. Everything is upside down. I stumbled across one of your videos awhile back and you made sense, your logic was sound, even though I didn't agree with all you had to say. I know this clown show, because that's what it is, a clown show, can't go on forever, but I just hope the correction is not as catastrophic to the millions of people who have neglected their financial education. I'm shocked you only have 49k youtube followers, it should be much more. Keep fighting the good fight my friend. You bring tremendous value to this world.

Could be related to Comey's Trump memo's. Although seems a bit arbitrary for such moves south.

Smart money running? Is it time for the crash? Mike Maloney Bill Holter and most all the big wigs in the know do state that when the system comes down, it will be sudden and without warning. Myself personally, i expect it any second, any minute. Nothing suprizes me at this point.

Have been waiting for this to happen for years now ........

it has to someday, but I thought we had until the end of the year atleast!

What year??? Lol
Seems like the end of the road is finally in sight though ... All pieces seems to be in place for be big crash.

I had that feeling towards the end of 2016, I was sure it was happening

I think the Canadian housing bubble bursting may have something to do with the fear in the markets.

I would say its the possibility of Trump being impeached due to the fact that COMEY is allegedly leaking "discovery" information about Trump firing him to NYT. This causes market uncertainty. Lets see if $VIX jumps for us tomorrrow to get out of these HISTORIC lows!

Thanks for the evening update!
A gentleman told me today that, he went to buy stocks in the food chain industry. Trucking, markets, farms, et. all. Said most everything is privately owned ... And gave me a look.
Then he said something about, if there's shortages, the owners will get to decide who to feed and who to starve.


Looking good for Gold. Pity I may have discovered some FAKE PAMP bars among my collection today LOL

The Deep State will do anything to divert attention from the Seth Rich story including crashing the market, if that is what it takes. We will get more confirmation when London opens since they will do it there

What a great bunch of listeners you have! I would agree with most all of these reasons.

But for my $$ I would say that when the Donald fired comey, took a meeting with the Russians and then met with Kissinger on the same day, you could say an attack occurred.

Then he met with the Turkish pres Erdogan today. And if you look at the tour he is taking next week, we are in that holy shiz time. The Saudis, the pope and the EU counsel. What? !

Trump needs to sell tour merchandise for that trip away.

Well, regarding the Saudis, I heard he's buying a giant oil tanker to expedite draining of the swamp!

Good thing I picked up some more silver today. Three 1 oz Northwest Territorial mint silver bars.

@marketreport. I wonder if some of the money of the central banks is starting to flow into crypto currency such as ripple, seems hows that the bankers coin...?

Perhaps this is part of the problem. Believe it or not it was on mainstream

Rut Row Raggy!

The beginning of sorrows. Let's keep a sharp eye on things and keep the world posted because the governments and rich are not going to help us or guide us.

I've been watching your special reports for quite a while now Gregory... Very informative... Now it's your turn to read some of my posts... Pocket Change...

If you don't have much time on your hand, a good place to start is called "What's my Story...???"

Lot's in the political news, but what caught my attention was the Seth Rich news. He was proven to be the Wikileaks source at the DNC, not Russia. His murder appears to be a cover up. The police and FBI are not cooperating with the investigation. It's like there is a giant Hydra, with a hundred tenticles, stretched all over including Wall St and Washington. Maybe truth coming out scares / harms the Hydra. Reset coming. Save Up!

Thank you so much Greg

Thanks Greg for having your finger on the pulse ! for us all.

Contracts on the S&P 500 Index declined and stocks in Asia slid on reports that Trump asked FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn by news. Imo their has to be something else and bigger.

New Theory Behind Stalled Economy: Retirees Are Hoarding Too Much Cash:From zero hedge!

Hi Greg just listened to you on youtube and this is what I expected to happen this week due to the cyberattack at the weekend. I am surprised it didn't trigger sooner this week but I am in New Zealand so a day ahead. Also what I would have thought unrelated but I was surprised Comey's firing didn't cause a jitter, but new Zerohedge up date's and a CEO plane from NY has crashed this morning , maybe someone important. Also the snow in Kansas and people waking up US is still the main currency still so just now will probably will settle down , if not perhaps the correction we believe should happen and everybody should have spent the past few years consolidating their positions.

Mass awakening?.... We can hope right. Your always on the spot with the updates, thanks for keeping watch.

Big fan of your YT videos. Will follow you here now instead. Thx for your real time updates and for your integrity!

Trump telling comey to not investigate Flynn

I've been seeing news of many small bank failures. Sime of these small town branches just closing with no warnings. Maybe this is triggering this downturn. Maybe the bust has started.

Hmm, not sure what is causing it. Although, webbot did mention a financial event starting the 3rd week in May... maybe something "is" brewing..

Hey Greg, thank you for recommending Steemit. It's either Comey/ Trump subpoena by Chaffetz OR Syrian ground invasion -- U.S. equipment and troops ready to roll on Jordan/ Syria border. Peace

Home Capital Group in CANADA most likely a CYPRUS bail-in????

Greg... People keep saying that the economy is like a house of cards. That it is very delicate and will come tumbling down at the slightest breeze.
I disagree... The economy is more like the Tumbling Tower game that was in "The Big Short". The economy is like that tower. One block after another is pulled and it stays up. Then just one more seeming harmless block is removed and it comes crashing down.
That seemingly harmless block is now seems to have been removed and the tower is starting to wobble...
I think that block is President Trump. As long as he seemed to be holding on to the presidency, the holders of dollars thought things might work out or at the very lease remain stable. When Trump fired Comey they figured the Deep State had to take Trump out now since Comey was most likely the last guardian of the secrets that would at the very lease put a crimp in the Deep States plans and might even wake up the Sheeple.
Look for impeachment proceedings to begin, no matter how unfounded. They mean to drive him out of office. Look for them to go after members of his own family also...those that they don't already own. They will threaten him with them.
This is political warfare and holders of dollars see it coming even if the American people don't.
Keep your family close and your powder dry...this is just the beginning.

Hi Greg, I have been listening to your videos for about a year now. Thank you for the great analysis!
I was wondering if the API report with another build up in crude oil was part of the reason for the drop. The market seems to be trading with oil this week. It seems to be an unusually large drop for the futures though.
The thoughts about cyber attack issues make a lot of sense too.

Gets crazier by the day doesn't it?

I would prefer the crazy-meter to tick over on an hourly basis!
There's never been a better time than right now!

Honestly at the end of April I was hearing-massive- shorts going on in SLV, start of May Bitcoin takes off like a rocket, and now the dollar is taking a dirt nap. All I can think is why is the market so high anyway, the tax plan? psh, I think everyone is scared right now and the markets are playing a game of musical chairs, if there's more to it than that I can't see it. The only news I recall that was today was about China injecting 20+ billion(which I guess could be notable) into their financial system, I couldn't make heads or tails of it though.

I feel good about tomorrow, my miners will probably rally hard 😊

It's Tuesday 11:20 on the east coast and the crypto currency's got hit but seem to be recovering. This doesn't make sense to me because they should act like gold and silver. Are people are pulling profits to cover other losses? Could be a buying opportunity. Just listened to a Web Bot report video done about a month ago that predicted chaos in the markets by early summer. Cliff High has been crazy accurate on Bit Coin and other things. May be time to batten down the hatches right now. The powers to be know the system ultimately has to crash so they may do it intentionally and blame Trump. Stay tuned and thanks Greg for all you do in educating us.

Gold up btc up 10yr yield down usd down this is the beginning of the end

The Australian market was down hard for no apparent reason and was being lead by the major Australian Banks. Appears to have found some support now but it was certainly jittery 3-4 hours ago.

USD Index was overvalued and its harmfull for US economy - the more realistic value should be near 90 than 100. So euro is undervalued, and Germany economy is rising.
And market is trying now change value of dollar to more true value.

Stocks is too expensive in the medium term, so now is the time for plunge and as I wrote some times ago, second half of May maybe good time for shorting stocks and propably long for yen and PMs. The Minsky moment for stocks was reached in medium term.

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