Credit derivatives transfer risk related to an underlying entity from one party to another without transferring the actual underlying entity. (Sound familiar-hint 2008). There are many types of credit derivatives including credit default swaps and collateralized debt obligations. According to the US National Debt Clock these are rising 1 Million dollars PER SECOND. What can go wrong?
What a mess. Thank you Gregory.
and most are still too big to fail...
have you seen the big short? With dob frank repealed what are your questions?
greg, when does silver spike????
I'm buying Silver while it's still on sale
Greg, Today is the Fed's Stress Test for The Big Banks. Did they include the Derivatives exposure towards
the Bank's capitalization?
The To Big To Fail Banks are leveraged more now than in 2008.
JP Morgan: $70.4 TRILLION
Citigroup: $63.5 TRILLION
Bank of America: $55.7 TRILLION
Goldman Sachs: $53.5 TRILLION
Morgan Stanley: $46.7 TRILLION
Deutsche Bank: 78 TRILLION
TOTAL Derivatives Exposure for Top 6 Banks in $368 TRILLION