Yes, but it seems like he's only upvoting himself...
Steemit should put an end to that... Payouts went
way down since they began to give only a Fraction
instead of 100 Percent... @pocketechange
Steemit has so many issues including self voting but also reputation score. I'm pulling my money out by powering down. This social media site is rigged.
Do yourself a favor and go pick up some one dollar coins at your local bank... If everything I've been saying is totally wrong, at least you'll have some Government back Cash outside the Banking System when the ATM.s run out of Paper and all the Bail in's begin... Thank for all your replies... @pocketechange
Greg is actually paying himself becuz he thinks his advice is good. This spew was put up on Tue. BTC hadly dropped until Wed n Th. Once again, if you followed Greg you got hosed...BIG time.Greg's a trader now and his "best" advice will be >>> Just keep buying! :O You want to bet some walking liberties Greg says something other than that?
Banks don't want to be on the side of the millenial frenzied crowd. Some of those guys sat at home 24/7, ate pizza and nothing but pizza, and spewed "live!" blogs all day at Utube on the "next big thing" in the cryptos. Lemmings got pretty excited about Litecoin most recently. Do you "honestly" think bankers and the U.S. govmint wants to be like you clowns? :-)
Nothing is going to beat Greg's calls going into last weekend >>> "Horde gold n silver, get out of the!!!'s never a bad time to buy bitcoin" got "rocked!" if you actually put some cash behind Greg's "theories." Going to be reeeal tuff to come up with a "weekend of investment themes" that performed worse over 12 months than Greg did this past week. :-) I'm going to start calling him Maalox Mannarino.
Hah, because Dimon says this, that makes me want to just buy more Bitcoin now. Also this Tulip bubble comparison is getting old. I agree with this post too.
I'll take a buy call from Greg at the Thursday bitcoin low as validation for Greg's trading prowess. He did keep you in for the big drop on Wed n biggie..."almost" even on your trade just by accident. :-)
I can care less what Jamie Dimon says he likes or doesn't like... Does anyone even believe what he says...???
It's my personal opinion that for every 100 Dollars you are in Debt right now, you should be holding 1 Dollar in Physical Pocket Change as a form of Insurance for the coming Reset and Transfer of Wealth... @pocketechange
haha, Chase was the first bank in the US to deny cash deposits under the guise of stopping money laundering.
I have a feeling he is creating his own cyber coin as well as investing in BTC himself.
Seriously, does anyone still give a rats ass for these people?! Yes, they're criminally rich. So what! Get your awesome cryptocurrency, altcoin or some incredibly useful ICOs. F these peeps
Crypto currencies have a "trustless" system - i.e., you don't need to falsely trust that the system will work. The distributed ledger blockchain is designed to not need the trust of anyone to operate. Because trust can be taken advantage of via fraud and theft.
Plus, bankers get their power from making currency out of nothing. Cryptos prevent that power from operating. Cryptos also get rid of the middle-man's "cut" in the form of fees. Sure, there are transaction fees for crypto currencies. But nothing like the capital controls of the USA and nearly every other country in the world. With cryptos, you can transfer small or large or mega-amounts of currency without government intervention and oversight. Or banker intervention and oversight and fees. It's outside their control.
Bitcoin and altcoins - their time has come! Because of the fraud and control inherent in the system.
This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the second half of Sep 12. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $22.22 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
EXPECT the big banks and US GOV want in cheap?
The new arms race friends... the new arms race.
Wow... That's a great looking Upvote...
But it didn't even make Gregory's Top 20...
... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reset
@surfyogi has lots of SP and a 6 digit account value.
Yes, but it seems like he's only upvoting himself...
Steemit should put an end to that... Payouts went
way down since they began to give only a Fraction
instead of 100 Percent...
... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reset
Steemit has so many issues including self voting but also reputation score. I'm pulling my money out by powering down. This social media site is rigged.
Do yourself a favor and go pick up some one dollar coins at your local bank... If everything I've been saying is totally wrong, at least you'll have some Government back Cash outside the Banking System when the ATM.s run out of Paper and all the Bail in's begin... Thank for all your replies...
... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reset
Coins are going away also. As of 2011, the dime coin cost 5.65 cents to produce.
Greg is actually paying himself becuz he thinks his advice is good. This spew was put up on Tue. BTC hadly dropped until Wed n Th. Once again, if you followed Greg you got hosed...BIG time.Greg's a trader now and his "best" advice will be >>> Just keep buying! :O You want to bet some walking liberties Greg says something other than that?
I agree with you @surfyogi
Banks don't want to be on the side of the millenial frenzied crowd. Some of those guys sat at home 24/7, ate pizza and nothing but pizza, and spewed "live!" blogs all day at Utube on the "next big thing" in the cryptos. Lemmings got pretty excited about Litecoin most recently. Do you "honestly" think bankers and the U.S. govmint wants to be like you clowns? :-)
FUD is an excellent contrarian imdicator. 😎
Nothing is going to beat Greg's calls going into last weekend >>> "Horde gold n silver, get out of the!!!'s never a bad time to buy bitcoin" got "rocked!" if you actually put some cash behind Greg's "theories." Going to be reeeal tuff to come up with a "weekend of investment themes" that performed worse over 12 months than Greg did this past week. :-) I'm going to start calling him Maalox Mannarino.
He buys bitcoin right now. Like talking/acting any asset to go low then pounce to buy.
one of the best videos you have ever made
Had to meme this one haha:
I agree! Bubble my butt! It's a sure thing to buy.
Hah, because Dimon says this, that makes me want to just buy more Bitcoin now. Also this Tulip bubble comparison is getting old. I agree with this post too.
What a motherf****. Not you, but this Jamie person.
"If you're not prepared for tough times, you can't get prepared when times get tough." - Jamie Dimon
I take it as a validation of Bitcoin's legitimacy
Time to buy more!
I'll take a buy call from Greg at the Thursday bitcoin low as validation for Greg's trading prowess. He did keep you in for the big drop on Wed n biggie..."almost" even on your trade just by accident. :-)
Hahaha Jamie is a clown
"I'm Jamie Dimon" (said in a Matt Damon voice)

These guys have little say on the markets anymore, no one but the central banks really know whats going on lol
I can care less what Jamie Dimon says he likes or doesn't like... Does anyone even believe what he says...???
It's my personal opinion that for every 100 Dollars you are in Debt right now, you should be holding 1 Dollar in Physical Pocket Change as a form of Insurance for the coming Reset and Transfer of Wealth...
... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reset
That's reason enough to hold on tight....don't ditch it!!!
I laughed when I saw that article. Yea he can't control bitcoin.
Of course he don't like Bitcoin .. A competitive product.
haha, Chase was the first bank in the US to deny cash deposits under the guise of stopping money laundering.
I have a feeling he is creating his own cyber coin as well as investing in BTC himself.
I like it because he says he doesn't like it. Dishonest people will say the opposite
LOL. Like the headline!
That guy controls more US assets than the entire economy in the UK. LOL @ Jamie Dimon!!!
Always do the opposite of the #VampireSquid.... #Banksters
Seriously, does anyone still give a rats ass for these people?! Yes, they're criminally rich. So what! Get your awesome cryptocurrency, altcoin or some incredibly useful ICOs. F these peeps
@marketreport Excellent... Motivating and it will make me joyful to check out effort and resolve prevail. Adore it. Upvoted.
I just love you!!! That is something from a big burly guy like me. You are spot on!!!
Gregory, I would not be surprised to hear Jamie Diamond owns 100,000 BTC
And He probably owns 100 Million XRP
You are probably correct on that.
Have a great day!Thanks for the reply @gem777
Crypto currencies have a "trustless" system - i.e., you don't need to falsely trust that the system will work. The distributed ledger blockchain is designed to not need the trust of anyone to operate. Because trust can be taken advantage of via fraud and theft.
Plus, bankers get their power from making currency out of nothing. Cryptos prevent that power from operating. Cryptos also get rid of the middle-man's "cut" in the form of fees. Sure, there are transaction fees for crypto currencies. But nothing like the capital controls of the USA and nearly every other country in the world. With cryptos, you can transfer small or large or mega-amounts of currency without government intervention and oversight. Or banker intervention and oversight and fees. It's outside their control.
Bitcoin and altcoins - their time has come! Because of the fraud and control inherent in the system.
I like
This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the second half of Sep 12. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $22.22 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.
See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Sep 12 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.
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Well ok then..... more is gooder.......
2 bad us little guys don't have an ORANGE JUICE etf/etn,
If he thinks it is going to $100,000 then he has lots of it.
Someone may want to remind this piece of crap the very bank he runs is a member of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance.
ANYthing Jamie Dimon says is bad we should all buy instantly. To hell with that shyster and crook!