Small waist tips

in #money7 years ago


1.- Green tea Thanks to the fact that it contains caffeine, it causes the fat accumulated in the waist to burn in a much faster way. Apart from everything prevents the oxidation of your cells.

2.- Oatmeal Thanks to its high fiber content it is elementary to help you digest the food you eat and to eliminate what your body does not need.

  1. Tomato Thanks to the large amount of water and phytonutrients that this food contains, it will help keep your intestines in good condition and burn fat faster.
    4.- Chia Seed Thanks to its high levels of vitamins and minerals, this food will make your body work perfectly. Mix it with a liter of water and drink it throughout the day and you will see how your waist will begin to diminish.

  2. Olive oil Healthy fats like this oil are ideal for your body, instead of storing it, use body fat as fuel. Apart it is rich in omega-6 and omega-3, which is excellent for the heart. Use it as a dressing in different dishes and you will notice the difference.



Also you might want to add:
Cinnamon, that shit absorbs like %30 of the sugar you consume.
Water, lots of it, 2.5 - 3liters a day.
And the Olive oil must NOT be cooked, or it'll lost the vast mojority of it benefits.

Ay! y Yo que me cagué escribiendo en inglés para ver TREMENDO link a un post en castellano XD