I turned $3 into $95 selling Vintage Cross Colours Shirt from Thrift Store last month !!
Remember the 90's ? yeah, well, that's a Vintage decade now, LoL.
Cross Colours Clothing line dominated the emerging HIP HOP scene from the USA to Japan.
You may not find a lot of it out in the wild to Flip for Profit, but it will be worth your time if you do.
Here is the used Vintage Cross Colours Rugby Shirt I found for about $3 and sold a few days later for $95
The Buyer is reported to have been part of the Research & Design Team for Cross Colours back in the day, so I trust he is taking great care with it, maybe curating it for his own nostalgic collection.
Tidbits of information like that make these kind of Sales even sweeter...because for me, sometimes it's not all about just the money.
Sold Vintage Lisa Frank Beach Towel for $175
My Introduce Yourself
That's really cool, inspiring. Thanks for the post, an upvote from @tboxtra.