
Even though i don't hold any litecoin remember, every coin crashed hard... you can't really blame him I think... unless you are talking about litepay, I'm not very knowledgeable about ltc to be fair...

He completely abandoned it. Cashed out. Promotes every other coin except ltc

Seriously how do you take a guy seriously who cashes out of his own coin? Doesn't matter what reason he gives; it looks bad. There are plenty of founders and developers of various coins that have stake in the coin that they work to promote. I agree. He is full of it. Perhaps he's realized that Litecoin has little future because it's surrounded by superior technology and Bitcoin has first move advantage.

I bought before he cashed out. Now he has taken another job

I still think that LTC at #7 is pretty impressive. Once they actually get an ATM card I bet the Litepay bears will come back on board.

Sorry to hear it,man.

I don't trust a man who tells others to buy, but sells himself. Judge a man by his actions, not his words. :(