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RE: Lions! It's Time To Pounce On GLD and SLV. New Stock Picks Posted To TradersChoice. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

I was talking to by brother yesterday who has over 1m on the stockmarket. He's telling me he's going g to buy a second house because the market is on fire and real estate is pumping higher. I was like are you insane, shut is falling apart. Crazy that someone that is smart and travels can be that out if touch with reality, but that is 95% of everyone I know. Going to be a blood bath at some point.


But that's exactly why it keeps pumping higher, because of money that chases like that. Eventually that money will run out and they will be left holding overpriced assets and they will be scratching their heads wondering how they got blindsided.

Yes, I guess that is what I was saying. People are chasing after yield and don't want to miss out. Just short term memory. Better to be 6 months early than a day late is my current plan. I started to reposition everything in January. I end the reasons I listen to Gregory is because he tells people to prepare and be your own central bank, but also how to use a scalpel and make money out of the short term trends. Very smart strategy. Most people are just buying ETFs which raises sticks like the tide, but when the tide goes out then watch out because when ETFs are sold off even the good stocks will get taken down with the tide.

Spot on mate. Spot on

Ride the wave both up and down. The ability to go short is a godsend imo