Are you familiar with the occult at all, @recursive? Occultists (and there's no shortage of evidence of deep Rothschild ties with the occult) have lots of very interesting beliefs and behaviors on matters like this. For one thing, you can research occult mockery, which is the tendency of occultists to manipulate people into doing things that benefit the occultist while labeling the ones manipulated, symbolically or allegorically, as pawns. The mindset here is "I'm going to trick you into being my pawn, and I'm going to tell you right to your face that's what I'm doing, but you're going to ignore it."
Alternatively, the occult also has interesting rules which may be interpreted as requiring the occultist to warn others of the plans the occultist is putting into motion which may harm the others. If one studies the occult, he will quickly realize that throughout history, occult groups have done all kinds of things plainly and in the open, telling their victims in advance exactly what they were doing, and simply relying on the human tendency to ignore negative information (information like "Your entire world finance system is about to collapse on top of you unless you get out now").
Be careful not to assume that Rothschild's motives are similar to your own. He may be telling you to your face exactly what you ought to do so that he can laugh at you when you don't do it. He may be telling you what to do because he believes his position of power is karmically dependent on his having provided his victims with such warnings. He may be telling you what to do because he knows it will gain him the loyalty of those who benefited from his advice. Or he may be telling you what to do because if you do it, he'll benefit at your expense. Decide for yourself, but factor in what you can easily know about Rothschild and his motives.
I'm not particularly interested in people's irrational beliefs.
I'm not denying that there are powerful influence groups, and that some of these groups have some kind of esoteric or cultish culture like the free masons, the scientology, and various kabbalah inspired cults. But the nature of their belief, the fact they are cultish or esoteric is of absolutely no bearing at all about what it is that they do that we are actually concerned about, which is the fact they are people in power who conspire to further their personal agenda at the expense of everyone else. Everything else is drama and sleeve effects: best for Dan Brown inspired hollywood productions, but complete fantasy when it comes to discussing practical political matters such as how to get rid of that giant bunch of colluding technocrats that makes our life miserable.
I think there is way too much focus on the cultural / religious aspect, and that discredits very badly the people who are over-stressing this dimension at the expense of a normal, healthy, level headed anarchist discourse which should be entirely free from reference to people's particular (irrational) beliefs. To push the matter a bit further, as I explain in my ealier post, it's very likely that the esoteric stories are a cover and a distraction. People have a short attention span, and there is nothing more effective to get rid of them than sending them on wrong track by getting them hooked on something mysterious but that's got nothing to do with what they were inquiring about in first place. And as a bonus they look like a bunch of loonies when they start putting that kind of information in their communications so that nobody is going to believe what they report.
Just look at the image "normal people" (the ones we are supposed to convince that anarchism is the way) get when reading anarchist sound and logical stance laced with Dan Brown style stories of esoterism and secret societies. Why the mix of styles? Why not discuss that kind of stuff on esoterism related forums, and stick to the actual facts that matter when discussing geopolitics and economy?
So to go back to the theory, Rothschild is supposedly "controlling" central banks? What evidence is there. Based on what is this statement being made? There must be a way that this information is known. What is this way? Why do people believe that theory? I'm waiting to be convinced by logic and sound evidence. Throwing in the story that Rothschild has a bizarre hobby that consists in scacrifying goats in the middle of a circled pentragram drawn on the ground of his manor with his own blood is of very little relevance with the kind of information I'm expecting to get convinced about his alleged connection with the QE scam run by central banks and governments of G20 countries.
Perhaps not, but their beliefs, whether rational or not, do inform their actions. And if we accept that the Federal Reserve's actions affect us (which, regrettably, they do), and we know that the Rothschilds created and benefit from the Federal Reserve (ref, The Creature from Jekyll Island), then understanding the Rothschilds' actions, and the beliefs which inform them, can be quite helpful.
To be certain, occultists use their esoteric language and symbolism for precisely the reason that the average person will dismiss it as a bunch of hocus pocus rather than taking it as seriously as the occultists do. This allows the occultists to carry out their plans, which most definitely affect the rest of us, without the rest of us paying any attention to them.
Even if we dismiss the esoteric sciences as irrational, it must be acknowledged that cloaking one's plans in the language of those sciences to manipulate others into staying out of the way is coldly rational.
Ok, I give you that. I just watched one of TDV previous videos where he explains the rationale behind his concept of Shemitah and Jubilee year. Interesting, but unfortunately almost essentially based on interpretation of symbols, coincidences, numerology, and market moves which can usually be made to "prove" anything and its contrary. Now I have to admit that there are some compelling elements, and the sheer number of coincidences is surprising which would make it difficult to bruteforce entirely out of thin air. I haven't checked all the facts and quotations, but if it appears to be timely and accurate, I might have to give that some more attention in spite of the fact that indeed really sounds like hocus pocus.
I'm not aware of the Rothschilds being present in person at the Jekyll Island Conference or directly involved at the Fed but I imagine that through investment in American investment banks like JP Morgan & co it's imaginable that the Rothschilds may have had a voice at the conference. Are there some serious research published on the subject that shows just how much control the Rothschilds had on the creation of the Fed?
Actually, thinking about it, even Cicada 3301 uses symbols and occult phraseology as code in spite of the fact they are arguably a community of cryptographers, and there is nothing more rational than a cryptographer. One could easily dismiss what they do as hocus pocus on first shallow evaluation. So you have a point.
To be fair, I'm realizing with more research that TDV has been in the business of analyzing things from an occult perspective since a few years already. I wasn't a follower of TDV until he started posting on Steem, so the transition from level headed no-nonsense anarchism (which I am entirely supportive of) to a sudden unexpected delving into occult conspiracy theory threw me off considerably. Now given that he has been at that for years, and it seems to be strongly associated with TDV brand, I'm not quite as critical anymore.
However I think that TDV shouldn't mix discussions about anarchy and this highly speculative symbolism based financial analysis that bears in fact very little relation with anarchism: government is crap regardless of the reason it is in place and regardless of whom it actually benefits to. It's even more problematic that Jeff seems to be rather influential in the ancap scene, so without proper separation of concerns like publishing anarchy related content and Shemitah/Jubiliee theory under different brands, the risk of turning off would-be-anarchist prospects is high. Anarchism is its own quantity. It's a clean, lean, rational approach to governance and economy. Associating it artificially with the kind of thematic which, in your own words, "the average person will dismiss it as a bunch of hocus pocus" doesn't sound like a great promotion strategy.
According to The Creature, one attendee was "Paul M. Warburg, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company, representing the Rothschilds and Warburgs in Europe." Warburg, according to The Creature, bought his partnership in Kuhn, Loeb & Company with money provided by the Rothschilds.
I also note that the concept of central banking has Rothschild fingerprints all over it, and it seems to me infeasible that they wouldn't have been involved in the creation of the FRS. They were directly involved in at least one of the prior central banks in the US.
There is plenty of research on the subject. The Rothschilds practically invented the concept of the central bank. They also financed a good number of the hand picked billionaires that pioneered the industries that built this country(USA). JP Morgan being one of them. The problem and one of the goals of the globalist is "mass confusion and chaos". So there are many stories of Nathan and his sons going out and taking over countries money and many stories that attempt to debunk that as myths. They do like to tell you what they are doing, and have you not believe. So they will author both sides of the communications. Like financing both side of the various wars. "Hide in plain sight" should be a prevailing theme when you absorb propaganda or fact...Either way, I have found that if you see enough supporting anecdotal evidence, from a reasonable set of independent sources, the info is probably true. That being said, any of it will struggle to be absorbed by all in this era I call "The death of communications". Case in point, Trump is about to release the secret JFK documents which should put to rest the conspiracies. I bet even when government documents are released, the info will shock the consciousness of society to the point of disbelief...and folks like the Rothschilds will celebrate the resulting chaos..Jeff, by the way got his start after reading the Jekyll Island book.