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RE: The Government’s Inflation Policy Is Killing The Poor And Middle Classes

in #money9 years ago

I know I am in the minority here, but I will say it anyways.
At any point in time, people will complain about the economy. Everyone complains about taxes (even though we have some of the lowest taxes of any major nation). We can bash the system and say we spend too much on this, too little on that, or on the wrong things. Which really is a spending policy of our own desire and one which very few are qualified to understand at a nation level.

It is easy to put up a chart on purchasing power decrease due to inflation, but that is a 'straw-man' argument. You must also take into account the long term earnings growth as well. A little inflation is a good thing, as it signifies growth. Just like unemployment at a certain level is a healthy thing at a nation level (availability of workforce and upward transition opportunities). But most will not see it from that perspective, as the simple view ie unemployment=bad is much easier to understand.

So, I would submit selectively choosing a few graphs and charts about a hugely complex subject (macro economics), in a limited environment supports the Dunning-Kruger effect and not beneficial to anyone. Instead, lets take a pragmatic approach and first agree we are not Nobel Prize winning economists on nation-state macro economics.

Instead, lets look at some practical points of our economic system.

  • The United States is a new country. Yes, we are. Yet in the short time we have been in existence, we have shot to the top of the most powerful economy chart, where we basically sit today. That means we are doing something right. Maybe not perfect, but better than all the others. Let us not forget that point.
  • Purchasing power is a factor of how much you make in comparison to how much things cost. How many people own cars today as compared to 1940? How many travel overseas, on planes, or take vacations in other states now versus 1940? Look at the food in our refrigerators. We probably throw away more food in a week than our great grandparents had in their icebox.
  • The United States is the king of innovation and invention. Our economy has supported a blossoming of technology, medicine, services, transportation, and communication.
  • Look at the home you have, car you drive, plethora of stuff you can buy, etc. as compared to your grandparents when they were your age. Are you doing better or worse than them?

I will leave it at that.

My point is, if we want to complain, how about we also express what we are grateful for as well? Make it a balanced conversation with Pro's as well as Con's. Because one other thing American are known for is complaining when we have so much. ie. 1st world problems. Lets choose not to be that way.