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RE: Today Is the 45th Anniversary of The Most Destructive Event In Modern Monetary History

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Good piece @dollarvigilante. As part of the Nixon Shock, it transformed the dollar into a true fiat currency. Books have been written and fortunes lost, yet very few people learn about it. Thanks for bringing your insights and economic history lesson to the community.

Remember these:


So much for the "certificate". Isn't the USA's refusal to honor redemption of dollars for precious metals in spite of having committed to do so in writing a sort of credit default?

Funny things can happen when you can write, enforce, and interpret the laws.

stop acting as though individuals in power Conspire to keep and expand that power silly. anyone who watches and pays attention to human behavior knows that noone does that...


LOL. I am not a big fan of big conspiracy theories. Not because people can't come up with devious plans, but rather they in general are terrible at keeping secrets. The big truths normally find their way to the surface, because the same people who are greedy are also terrible at keeping quiet.

@mrosenquist: big truths find their ways to the surface. Everything that there is to know is probably already out there, lost in the middle of mountains of garbage thrown around to make it difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. Nowadays the best way to hide a secret is to leak it lumped together with a kilogram of nonsense.

It all revolves around information theory: information exists only relatively to the relatively low and non-trivial probability of its underlying meaning, and to the fact other possibilities are not also being stated. If I have a dice, and I tell you "next roll will be 6" and I don't say anything else, there may be some information in that statement other than mere speculation. Maybe my dice is crocked. But if I'm also telling at the same time that next roll will be 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 then there is no more information. I said everything ,therefore I said nothing.

Now the same applies with public counter-intelligence. If information that is dangerous to release was released accidentally, you just need to release plenty of possibly credible, scandalous, and yet totally phony information and pump it in social media; you must also refrain from denying too strongly the information: have fake reasonable joes make care bare statements about how they don't think that makes sense and on the other hand have plenty of fake loonies get all over the place and support that information and connect it with completely outlandish claims so that the public will have a knee jerk reaction of reject. Good job! You have effectively neutralized the first leak: it's now hiding in plain sight posing as yet another piece of conspiracy-theory tinfoil hatting garbage. Even better, now that the information is released, people will somewhat get used to it all the while assuming it's probably false while knowing that "maybe it's true" but rationalizing it away so that when they finally find out it was true years later that won't be enough of a shock to prompt any action. That's called the "boiled frog" tactic and intelligence agencies are doing it routinely.

The bottom line is that there is definitely something going on, and some of that must already be known, but there is also so much tinfoil-hatty nonsense around that, and so many idiots carrying so many of their personal fantasies about the truth , encouraged by plenty of astroturfing and social media manipulation, that it's become almost impossible to really tell what in that flood of information is true. The only compass one has is logic and rationality. Logic doesn't lie. If something is found to follow from something else under the laws of logic (except for corner Godelian cases that are mostly irrelevant here), that thing is to be considered sound.

It's of utmost important for people to realize what is really happening with information, and that only logic is the light that can guide us to the truth. That's why projects like Tau are so important.

LOL. I am not a big fan of big conspiracy theories. Not because people can't come up with devious plans, but rather they in general are terrible at keeping secrets. The big truths normally find their way to the surface, because the same people who are greedy are also terrible at keeping quiet.

Yes well it is actually TREASON for a PRIVATE CORPORATION of which the FEDERAL RESERVE IS, to print and or dictate the value of USD. The constitution VERY clear states that ONLY Congress has the power to print and dictate the value USD.
Obviously this country was hijacked a LONG time ago. I just published a comprehensive article on the history and "Truth About Money" tonight!
I fell it is of great value to this community and welcome feedback!

Actually, it is not illegal for a private corporation, entity, or person to print their own unique form of money. Local banks do it for 'community dollars' to keep money in small towns for example. As for dictating the value of the US Dollar, nobody specifies the exact value. It is a fiat type of currency. So the collective dictates the value based upon what two parties (buyers and sellers of good/services) are willing to exchange for it. This is the basis for Bitcoin for example, and almost all other currencies on the planet.

What you say is true but what I said is also true~
It is TREASON for Congress/Government to GIVE UP and put the printing and value of money to a private corporation. Or maybe calling it treason is not accurate. It is just unconstitutional and supposed to NOT be allowed in this country.
These rules were put into play prickly to KEEP from happening what is currently happening.