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RE: Bravenewcoin: Public blockchains gaining acceptance at Bank of Japan’s Payment and Settlement Forum

in #money9 years ago

Hi @bravenewcoin I have not ready our posts in a while I have beem away a bit.

your info is aways great!

I had not thought of this :

“When digital currencies become to be widely used, people will not have to have bank accounts for payment purposes.” Commercial banks could become “unable to provide ‘finality’ to payments,” Hoki states.

Maybe credit is also going to become harder or easier?



Welcome, it's good to see you after so long, glad to have one of our regulars back! At the moment credit is already difficult with banks and there are a lot of crypto lending initiatives, for example which is a Brave New Coin partner, their app allows you to lend bitcoin to trusted friends and earn interest automatically, all handled by the software, so you can be your own bank.

@bravenewcoin , wow that is a great app / company! Very very cool !

Cheers and thank you for sharing.
