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RE: The single greatest transfer of wealth is about to take place, will you be apart of it?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

So you're saying that banks have a conspiracy going on to rule the world by creating a crisis and then forcing a global currency and eliminate cash money.

But, I think that the financial institutions already have more power than most of the democratic countries in this world, especially in US and EU. I think that developing countries have been the victim of these global financial institutes since decades by putting them into debt and forcing rules of IMF and Worldbank and free trade agreements. And I also think that the dollar has been a currency that was used in all these year as a global currency. So it was also used by these finance world to control countries, global energy suplies, and so on. A lot of the things you fear for the future seem to happening already for some time.

So I understand why you are against this global currency and agree completely on the role of cryptocurrencies to avoid this to happen.
But I don't agree on the idea that all taxation is theft. For me the theft is precisely when those banks and multinationals avoid taxes in their home countries by for example setting up financial constructions in Panama. They are the thieves to me.


Thank you @natenvos 4 commenting :) i'm glad that you agree with me that crypto's can kill central bankers , i will never expect anyone to completely agree with another person we are all at different levels of conciseness. What percentage of taxes to you believe is acceptable?

Theoretically I find the percentage of taxes not relevant as long as you live in a real democracy. Because in this case the people who are in power and manage the tax money are suppose to be doing that for a 100% in the interest of the taxpayer. Of course that is theoretically. :-) . I pay at least 30%-35% now and I wouldn't mind paying a little more. Of course only if I am certain that politicians would spend it wisely, which is not the case right now.