It might be easier to become financially independent to take as much college loans as possible, and go to a cheap university, can be even abroad. But don't go to college, do a shitty job in the meantime and invest your borrowed money smartly and in such a way that's not easy for the government to track. After 4 to 5 years you can settle anywhere in the world and be free. And probably, 15 years later, you debt is defaulted.
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When you take out loans, they check with your school every semester to make sure you are attending. If you aren’t enrolled, the loans become due and you are in BIG trouble!
yeah, attending.. just enroll into the course, and don't go. then enroll into a different course. Come to the Netherlands, it's great. As a student anybody (from any country) can borrow money for nothing from the Dutch government. College tuition is around 2000usd and working permits are easily arranged. keep it simple :)