Hey man I just wrote a lengty comment about this and now you write this! I was hoping you'd come up with some clever math but you dissapointed me from the second half! :)
So let me reiterate: I just wrote a lengthy comment about those positive-thinking books that they are in essence full of shit. Just like you said. Why?
If I have $1 and you have $1 and we are the only ones. If I'll sell you a hamburger for $1 you are poor because you have no money and I'll be twice as rich when I was before. Now if I were to sell you a cow and you already had a bull you'd be poor but selling me milk or meat rather soon you wouldn't be poor for a long time. The funny thing is as long as we have things to trade we don't need any money. But money is also a method of accounting and ledger will do just as fine. And thus we could grow our fortunes rather well.
This is of course the ideal story but I somehow don't believe that it could work in this day and age. Why?
Taxes? Regulations? Competition? Too much people and too little resources? So many people doing non-productive work like me writing this comment?
I don't have yet all the answers but I'm thinking long and hard to find out. Something with debt being always greater than the amount of money is a hint for why many of us in the world are so poor with no positive end in sight. If it is not a bug it must be a feature!
Also I found this to be quite funny and you are absolutely right!
Personally, I would only take into consideration advice about success from someone who started writing a book, dead broke lying half dead in a ditch. If, by the time they issue their 5th book, they are also sitting on a seven figure bank account, then I will take their advice into consideration.
LOL, I should start then!
There is no reason for clever math. I explain with simple examples how an event in the midst of chaotic other parameters can be rendered fortunate or unfortunate.
Sure, do your thing. But for myself I need proof for how say the monetary system works. It's not even clever math but basic math!
Like if I am a bank and have $1.50 and you have $0.50 and wer are the only ones in the country. Say I lend you $0.50 with 10% interest, now we both have $1.
But where will the interest come from? The whole economy is just $2. :)
read this :)
Thanks I will now
It's not a fallacy per sé, the world is finite therefore if one takes over the world there is nothing left for the rest of us.