The best way to earn even more money is to up your steem power so that your content is more likely to be visited but also it increases the amount of money you make from people up voting you. If you need news you can find intresting articals on news sites such as cnn, nbc, and bbc news. It also helps to add pictures to your articals so that it sticks put
Yes sir! STEEM ON
So how do you up your steempower? Writing new contents everyday, doesn't seem to moving the needle fast enough. I see some users with no contents, just resteemed content and they have more steempower than I have.
You may want to invest some of your own money into it, but if not just try and find a shocking story that people would click on in hopes to recieve steem point which you could the turn in to steem power.
Well, I write about how people can save their future from the coming collapse, so not sure if I will get lots of hits :-(. People want to live in a dreamworld not realizing that it is about to become nightmare. Well, atleast I will have the peace that I warned the people and suggested them the way to survive.
I thought steem power will increase your influence on other posts? So if I have a ton of steem power the posts I will upvote will get more money? In contrary if I don't have any steem power my upvotes will have little to no influence?
And how does steem power have influence on the likeliness of people visiting my content?
I am not sure on the exact percentages but yes the more steem power the more influence you have, and the likeliness of you getting more money is increased