Great to see that the @yallapapi train is about to finally leave the station. Congrats man! Very much looking forward to seeing, and perhaps participating in how it all works out.
A few of quick questions if I may?
1) are all articles submitted to your editor then considered the permanent property of your magazine, whether they're used or not? Or how will that work?
2) with no offense or desire whatsoever to take anything away from @flashfiction, if he's going to be making 30% off of 8-10 articles day, just by spending a little time editing them, doesn't that seem a little unbalanced compared to how much the writers themselves will be making for each article?
3) How the frig do you find the time to do all of this?? Write these blogs, reply to all these comments, handle all your other biz, diss hot chicks you're on dates with for taking selfies?? I mean, it's probably because I have a Family which takes up a vast majority of my time, but I can barely comprehend where and how you find enough hours in the day to do all this shit man! Frankly, it's pretty frickin' impressive. Cheers dude.