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RE: Planning An Early Retirement Budget

in #money7 years ago

Thank you for making this post, Justin. I’ll be turning 39 later this week and the idea of retiring early, before I turn 40, has been on my mind a lot lately. I find this idea very appealing. I have saved and invested enough money to afford it. Most of it is in crypto assets, however, which is both a highly volatile and risky investment. I also have a neat sum saved in cash, but it’s just lying there, as I don’t dare to invest it in stocks or mutual funds, because I’m expecting another financial meltdown sometimes soon.

I’m already working less than 30 hours a week, so that I have enough time left to rest, participate in recreational activities, have a richer social life, and hustle when I feel like it. Working even less, focusing on pursuing short-term occasional opportunities and doing small remote jobs sounds even better. However, I would like to build up more sources of passive income, before I take this definitive step. Steem can be one of those sources for me, I think. And maybe having a part-time job (2–3 days a week sounds about right) to provide some kind of basic economic security.

Please keep us updated on how your plan is working out, and I promise to do the same! :)


Oh, seems as if you are already living a less hectic life right now. Sounds good to me, I'll post when something important comes up. :D