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RE: ONECENT Daily Report - Fund Adjustment and a Rant - Day 14

in #money5 years ago

The weirdest thing is having all these $ prices and then click a token and it's back to STEEM. I will often remember the price I paid for something, but in STEEM, the trading currency. Anyway, a V2 coming soon.

BTW did you check which TOKENOMIX Round you won? So I can check transfers around that time. Thx


It was Tokenomics round 7 of 10. It was announced in the article below.

Posted using Partiko Android

You're right! And as I suspected, both winners were not processed.
My apologies, will do it now.
@cmplxty should thank you too!

No worries. Thanks for looking into it and getting it sorted out!

Did I not get a token from the contest? I’m confused by the tag lol

Posted using Partiko iOS