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RE: Minimalist: Living in Times When You Learn Not to Overspend

in #money7 years ago

As a minimalist, there are a few things I would do:

  1. Save of unnecessary but may approach my interior designer friends for advice and outright hire them. Buying your own home is the biggest investment and no one takes better care of the home than yourself.
  2. I would spend months to go over magazines and websites to look for suitable designs.
  3. For storage, I would have a contractor build me a huge cupboard with many drawers and places to store and organise everything. I will make sure to get the contractor to color the outside of the cupboard so that it becomes part of a decoration. If the cupboard is all white, I may put a few posters or canvas on it.
  4. I will spend money to buy premium quality products that will last me for decades. Also look into multipurpose electronics (for example, a cooker that can be used to cook rice, soup, bake cake it in and do wonders with that tiny machine)
  5. My ideal home will look exactly like a 5 star hotel with huge storage space to keep my stuff. But not too much non-essential stuffs laying around the house.
  6. Spend time on 淘宝 as you can buy amazing products are a deep discount.

Good luck


These are really awesome suggestions @orangila ! Thanks so much for looking into that. Unfortunately my budget is so tight I am currently unable to hire a good carpenter for this at the moment so I will keep everything as minimal as possible with the help of loads of YouTube and Home Deco designs including IKEA's.

Right now IKEA actually has free consultation, just that they are unable to team in all the products they have at a single design, which is a BIG (-) marks, and to get carpenters with a reasonable price with limited time frame (as I am delayed to get my keys) and I don't have the floor plan with me, I will need to work this on my own at the moment.

I did in fact look into online shopping but now 淘宝. I have acquired a cube like wardrobe for a fraction of the price compared to a proper wardrobe for my 2nd room so that I can assemble and tear out at the same time. However, the master bedroom I might actually acquire a carpenter to look into it and see if they have a good price to quote me when I actually get my keys.

Thanks for all the valuable suggestions again!

If budget is an issue, then you can try to live like a university students for a few years while you save up money for your project. It is also a good idea because it gives you years instead of days to plan and decide on what you want to do.. doing research takes time, so do looking for the right contractor...
There are many places like hypermarket or shopping malls where they have tons of boxes to get rid off. Trick is to get a dozen that is of identical products so the size and shape are all perfectly the same. And then it is up to creativity to make those boxes as part of the decoration.

Yes, that is what I am planning to do, and so far, the tupper-cubes seems to be an ideal "control" so that I can limit my space from clothes to compartments to place my things, and open space kitchen area is a great way to remind myself that I have electronic items that I should use as well. haha.