I agree with you on this! But bring on that fracking bust, the sooner the better. They are poisoning our state, and the governor is totally in the pocket of oil and gas. The shenanigans around them trying to stop a measure that doesn't even ban fracking, but simply says it can't be within 2500 feet of occupied buildings like homes, hospitals, and schools, because you know, it damages health and can be hazardous (as evidenced by explosions; there was one case where they were building a well right next to an elementary school that didn't have adequate fire escapes. If that well blew, all the kids would be dead. The community was fighting it, but I don't know what the outcome ultimately was) ...well, let's just leave it at "shenanigans," because I don't want to overtake your post, lol. But fracking can die yesterday, as far as I'm concerned!
I wish I had more money now to stock up on some supplies and buy some cryptos, but I struggle to pay rent as it is. However, I'm pretty good at surviving this mess, so I think I might do better than your average bear who is used to their creature comforts and doesn't know how to cook beyond sticking things in a microwave and popping over to the drive thru, so...
I so agree on the fracking bust. Stupid self-destructive industry if there ever was one. Did you know that the productivity of one of those wells drops 85% in the first year? Ridiculous.
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Ugh, that makes it even worse. All that destruction and pollution for a year of gas, essentially? Can we say, "not worth it"? Plus, renewables create way more jobs to begin with. Good paying jobs. That don't make people sick. BAH