Again it's still flawed. People are being more empowered for everyday that goes. Money is becoming abundant so it will eventually be pointless. It won't give you an edge in the new economy since you have the power with all the powerful technology we give to humans.
And no not just the average person. We have more billionaires all the time coming in! There is no real elite even massive companies are being disrupted all the time. And now with the Blockchain even the massive "behind the scenes" bank guys are being disrupted by geeks.
Anyone pulling your strings? Are you locked in a cage? No you are a free person and can go do whatever you want. Go build a business or whatever. Never in history has it been so easy as it is right now to start something.
I don't know where you live, but money isn't flowing abundantly to anyone and everyone who wants it... Technology is powerful, but it's not 100% fair and equitable.
Yes, everyone has the free will to start their own business/venture, but not when they are born into lower socioeconomic statuses that disenfranchise them from the start. Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's simple or financially feasible.
If you look at technology progress then you could clearly see we are moving towards abundance for all. Zoom out a little and you will see it very clear. Everyday you could see that it's getting closer. Because of technology becoming cheaper. Yes clearly you still need to work and be humble and smart. But it's getting easier all the time.
Babysit the whole world is not what we should focus on. Focus on building successful companies first then we could start to consider larger ideas. But most should start with building their own company first. And yes it's easier today than it was yesterday. Since technology is always making our life easier.