The debt is significant at a personal level, the gov't debt is pretty much insignificant until the creditors put a stop to it. The creditors to gov't debt and bonds are stuck and can't call in the loan or the whole system collapses, so they just diversify and take real assets as payment. This is why gold and silver will start to gain traction again this year, I wouldn't doubt if we see new highs in the precious metals within a couple of years or sooner.
The debt is significant at a personal level, the gov't debt is pretty much insignificant until the creditors put a stop to it. The creditors to gov't debt and bonds are stuck and can't call in the loan or the whole system collapses, so they just diversify and take real assets as payment. This is why gold and silver will start to gain traction again this year, I wouldn't doubt if we see new highs in the precious metals within a couple of years or sooner.
even at a personal level though i think it depends what you use the money for.