What's my Story...???

in #money7 years ago

Ok... Everyone wants to know what my story is... It started many years ago when I kept hearing that the Dollar was losing its Buying Power... I heard it over and over... Everything in the stores were going up and up in price... When I was a little Boy, I remember my Father complaining about all the Inflated Prices... Then it hit me... Everything was going up in price "except" the cost of Common Coinage... I'm not talking about Collector Coins, Silver and Gold Coins or even Copper Coins... I'm talking about every day coins that people get back as Pocket Change... The stuff you toss aside or put into a jar to cash it in later for Paper (Debt Note) Currencies... It dawned on me that when I was a young boy, I could buy a roll of 40 nickels for 2 dollars... Guess what...??? As a grown man, I can still buy that same roll of nickels for 2 bucks... Seems like Inflation hit everything "except" our Common Coinage... Let that sink in for a while...

We all know the Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes will Fail... We just don't know when... When they do fail, what do you think we'll use as a Medium of Exchange until the New (Debt Free) Dollars are Printed to replace the Old Failed Debt Notes...??? And at what Price will the New Notes cost...??? According to my 'Theory" it will take 100 old debt notes to obtain 1 new debt free note... The same debt free notes can also be purchased with 100 Cents worth of Common Coinage, or as I like to put it Pocket Change... That's why I keep telling people that Pocket Change will increase in Buying Power by 100 Fold...

Now, the question you need to start asking yourself at this point is... Do I cash my Pocket Change in now for the Old Debt Notes or hold onto them and cash them in for the New Debt Free Notes...???

Feel free to leave a Reply and I'll be sure to answer any questions you may still have... ThanksIMG_0127.JPG


Awesome post my friend. Not sure why you are not getting more money for your posts. It's strange that for some reason a post makes a few penny's at the start and then no more money gets put on the blog.

Thanks for the comment... I'm sure if Gregory Mannarino posted my same exact Blog, it would reach staggering numbers... lol...

Yes indeed. We need to get more followers and get more eyes on our posts

I've been listening to Gregory Mannarino for quite a while now... His videos talked me into coming over to Steemit... it just so happens that he has more followers starting out... He just mentioned that everyone is "Dumping the Dollar"... I'm on the same page as Gregory, but so far, he has never mentioned a word about Pocket Change...

I too came over to Steemit on Greg's advice.

I agree I made 2 new post last night and none, zero of my followers made a comment. If a person is going to follow someone why not comment. It's got to work both ways

I try to make it a special point to reply to all comments... It's not easy to read everything posted by the people you're following, but when you do send one of them a comment, the least they can do is send back a reply... Thanks for your input... Pocket Change...

I like your theory and agree with some of your words. What I am curious about is your, (New (Debt Free) Dollars), replacements. Some important changes , or perhaps some false pretenses would be need to be implemented. Such, as trust us. Ha
Maybe I am missing the point. Could you elaborate a little on, New (Debt Free) Dollars???
Thank you

I think the Federal Reserve Notes will be replaced with our own Debt Free Currency... Why do we need to pay the Federal Reserve interest on a Medium of Exchange that we have every Right in the world to create for ourselves with no Interest attached...???

What you have written makes sense. But, sadly, common sense has been disregarded since 1913.
Even President Wilson said after he signed the Federal Reserve act, that he might have unwittingly greatly burdened our nation. Or, another way of saying it, can we be a free people with such a burden?
I am not a constitutional scholar, but my understanding is, that only gold and silver was to be used as money. If I am wrong, someone who knows, correct me. Assuming it is true, then any thing other than that is fraudulent.

Thanks for your comment... Yes, I agree that Gold and Silver Coins are Real Money... Today the price of gold and silver is so sky high that I don't think we'll ever use them as a common coinage again... I can see our Paper, Digital and Coinage being backed by Gold and Silver... What I really want is to see the Federal Reserves Assets Seized and see them tossed the hell out of our Country...

IDK about your theory regarding "pocket change?" Will coinage become more valuable at some point? I think it will generally go along with the value of the metals contained within the coins. Nickel may be decent. But, the "constitutional coins" (coins with some silver content) have not only held their value, but gone along with the price of the silver weight contained therein. It would be nice to think that dimes made out of... what? zinc, tin? will become more valuable or useful some day, but I doubt it - for some reason. Much better to actually go with the real silver bullion rounds and coins for future money & use as true, valuable currency.

Naturally, I think gold and silver coins are more valuable than common coinage... My theory isn't based on the metal content of the coinage, just as the Fiat Debt Notes aren't based on their Paper value... Being that gold and silver will become way too valuable to circulate as money, I doubt that will ever see that again... Not as a common medium of exchange... Sure, you'll be able to turn it into Pocket Change and the New Debt Free Dollars... That's a given... Thanks for your comment... Pocket Change...

Regarding common US coinage, do you have a preference?

I hold onto most all the change I get, and when I go to the Banks, I try to pick up a couple 25 dollar rolls of one dollar coins... I figure if my Theory is wrong, at least I'll have money outside the Banking System when all Hell breaks loose... Thanks for your question... Pocket Change...

Have you checked the melt values of common US coinage?

My theory isn't about the melt value of Common Coinage, just like it's not about the Paper or Digital Value of our current Fiat Debt Notes... It's more about a penny increasing 100 fold in buying power when all hell breaks loose... One penny will have the buying power of one of our current dollars...

Awesome post! The moment i read your post, i felt like to collect all pennies which i got through my steemit posts and make my kid to ride a pony ride in Meijer shop as I am collecting just pennies for all my posts! Sad though!!!!
But for just a penny,Sandy,the pony has brought joy to my kid and other youngest meijer shoppers for decades!

lol... Nice reply... I hope your children have a fun time... Pocket Change...