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RE: Merkel Prepares For a Deliberate Crisis While White House Plans For Disastrous Succession

in #money9 years ago

There is another thing, that most people don´t know. Merkel was always "dancing" with the mighty even as she was in the FDJ as "secretary of agitation and propaganda" (not joking, that was her title). For reaching such a position you had to be a 150% commie. I found an old video from 1989 where she is litterally dancing with the elites of eastern germany socialists like Schabowski and Krenz. I have never ever in the last 25 years seen her this happy :


What does it have to do with what is happening now in Germany? Merkel has not run Germany as a 150% communist.


Merkel has turned her party (CDU, more or less centered) in someting more left than the original left german pary (SPD), that is just my opinion.
The thing I want to point out is, that to her it seems unimportant wich "side" she fights for. The only importance is might. That´s psychopatic, even sociopathic behaviour.
Personally I don´t really care about this left/right paradigm. That´s an illusion created by some people to stay in power.

See the bias already?

If you still ask what this has to do what is happening now in Germany, then I am not sure how to help you see it. Perhaps try google "Trotskyism" and read about their goals and ways.