Wildspark was released about 10 days ago, and the price didn't really reacted that well to it, it must have been the "buy the rumor sell the news" kind of thing. Nontheless, it looks like the number of users is growing, growing rapidly.
- Yesterday there were 968 downloads of the Wildspark app from the Chrome Store:
- Today there are 1003

So this was like a 30 hour interval, which means that roughly 1.16 people sign up hourly. Now this is not much by real value but in percentages it is very significant, since the growth function is always exponential in the early stages of any product.
So we can easily extrapolate how many people there will be in say 30 days:
My estimations are the following:
- In 1 day: 1031 Downloads
- In 1 week: 1219 Downloads
- In 1 month: 2316 Downloads
- In 3 months: 12,354 Downloads
- In 6 months: 152,170 Downloads
- In 1 year: 23,086,553 Downloads
And probably after that the growth rate will shrink, but according to my estimation Wildspark can easily catch up to Steemit in 6 months, especially after many youtubers figure out that they can monetize their content with it, since Youtube is pulling off many people from Adsense revenue.
Of course this estimation is rough since it's based on only 1 datapoint, so I'll have to record some new ones later, but you kind of get the idea. Things do really grow this fast. Steemit grew to 320,000 users in about 1.5 years, so there is some variance, but also considering the fact that Steemit was hard to use initially and restricted, while downloading an extension to your Chrome browser is so easy to use that even your grandma can do it, so put that in perspective. But also we have to consider that 1 download is not necessarily a new user, so the number of Wildspark users will be really similar to Steemit's growth.
What does this mean?
Well just look at the price. It's ultra cheap, only 5000 satoshi. Meanwhile we have a product that can easily have hundreds of thousands if not millions of users in 1 year.
Then consider the fact that AMP, the coin that it's based on, will directly have to be used on Wildspark. While on Steemit the Steem is minted out of thin air, but backed by the community. In Wildspark the coins are already out there, so the user has to buy them before using them.
This means that the price of AMP can really skyrocket once people really start using the platform.
Read the whitepaper, the way the Synereo system is setup is genius, the team is really made up of very smart and professional business oriented people, they know exactly how to make this product go viral:
So as you can see, the way the system works is amazing, where each amplifier can potentially draw in a lot of value to his or her video. Not just from an advertising standpoint, but also from the fact that other curators get rewarded too. So you don't even have to be interested in the video itself, but just the mere fact that you get rewarded might make you watch it.
So this effect can be like a vacuum machine that will draw in a lot of capital into AMP, per each video, just money flowing into AMP like you have never seen before, since they have to buy it first before using Wildspark.
Now imagine we will have like 300,000 Wildspark users, each of them doing 1-2 videos per day, and let's say on average each video will get 500 AMPs, of course it will be more than this, and there will be many viral video, but let's just see roughly.
Well even with this conservative estimation, that is a volume of 300,000,000 AMP/day, that they have to buy from eachother or earn it. Now that would be a volume of 60,373,200 $, which can easily be achieved. Comparing that to the price level, I'd say we can easily see a 0.0091 BTC price in the future.
That would be a 18,472.41% ROI for people who buy AMP right now.
And this is nothing yet, the Synereo team has a lot more features and products planned for the future:
So in conclusion it seems like this product could become massively successful, in my opinion it can easily end up in the top 20 altcoins together with Steemit, since viral platforms like these are really worth a lot, and benefit from the network effect.
Download Wildspark Here
Get AMP Here:
Disclaimer: The information provided on this page or blog post might be incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete. I am not responsible if you lose money or other valuables using the information on this page or blog post! This page or blog post is not an investment advice, just my opinion and analysis for educational or entertainment purposes.
- Synereo logo by Synereo , CC BY-SA 4.0
Good information about AMP I like the plattform very much!!!
I've used Wildspark past 3 days, spent 2 AMP and only got 0.1 AMP. Its like Belacam where I spent Bela to vote so the voted got Bela. I don't know whether it got any interest like holding Steem. Rightnow, Steem and LBRY give more via sharing content. We'll just wait and see how Wildspark can perform, still too early to judge.
I think content creators are going to make the most money on the platform(especially at the begining). The team has MILLIONS of dollars. To the disbelief of all the haters they haven't spent ANY of the money(the addresses are there for all to see). They clearly state in there interview that they plan on using some of this money in the near future to bring in BIG USERS from other platforms such as youtube. Things could get very interesting .
Well more people have to watch those videos and amplify it after you I think.
So it's kind of like a pricing game, people have to anticipate the most trending videos and amplify those before others do.
It's just like curation on Steemit, except on Steemit curation is collectivized (your create Steem shared with other's value), on Wildspark it's out of individual pockets.
So in this sense Wildspark provides a better pricing mechanism for popular videos.
Ooh they changed the website! I'm still not sure how you can share your links, other than on personal blogs where no one at all uses WildSpark. They seem to have a live feed now, but how do I get my link in there?
I just amped this video: http://go.wildspark.me/26s37, but it doesn't actually show up anywhere. It was my original concern when I first got into the beta. How the heck am I supposed to target fellow WildSpark users?
when you amp a video...you need to refresh the live feed(it does not refresh automatically) your video should be at the top of the live feed. If it does not work then you need to log out and log in again.
by sending the wildspark link to friends who don't have it...they get to watch your video and also it is kind of like inviting them to the platform.
I'll try to log in and out again in that case, thanks! :-)
I don't really know the details, but you can ask on reddit and I am sure people will help you out.
Oh thanks, I'll check it out! Don't actually have an account there, but there must be other people who have asked these questions :-)
go amp
thanks for sharing
very useful article
Good potential in market - Lets see if it works well in coming week too .
It certainly has a lot of potential. I think they need to sort out the website and how the videos are shared, though. There is only live feed and trending. I can't even find where the videos are I already shared so I can get the link again. Maybe I'm just missing something.
That's one big thing I'm missing aswell. That and hopefully a way to change my name in the future...
Good Information !! Thanks now i downloaded !!
This platform can make an actual video trending section that is unbiased..well as unbiased as steemit i guess. Anything is better than youtube trending.
It looks like your user adoption prediction was WAY off. I would love to see a fresh article with your thoughts on Synereo and Wildspark.
Are you still following the project? The product is out...... and it is incredible!