Wow Greg, watching this video was like an instant replay of perhaps over 100 times in my career I had the same reactions to market insanity. Most people can't comprehend the roller coaster emotions a trader goes through in a typical day let alone the insanity in the markets on occasion. The secret as you already know Greg is learning how to deal with the stress and insanity.
Now please humor this old dude as I address those individuals who follow your work.
Greg puts a tremendous amount of energy and time preparing the content he provides. You would be well advised to become a student of his efforts.
After retiring with over 20 years as a retail broker and market maker in a dozen or so securities, I continue to trade my personal account and will testify that if you are not a professional investor with tons of knowledge and experience under your belt then you owe it to yourself to learn how to trade the markets successfully. If you are fortunate to have accumulated enough wealth that allows you to trade the markets then you must become a student of these markets and read, read, read with the goal of gaining the knowledge necessary to minimize your mistakes, cut your losses and let your profits run. You would be well advised if you haven’t already done so to visit Greg’s website and fill your shopping cart with everything Greg is offering. This is a small investment when you look at the possible lifetime rewards from the knowledge you will gain. After all, you are worth it aren’t you?
Amen Good Sir. Brother Greg is a wise and GOOD man