I have seen a lot of amazing things in life and this actually is NOT the most expensive Scotch Whiskey I have ever seen. However this ONE bottle tagged at $35k is worth as much as a nice car!
For some people more than a years salary......
For this reason I find my self in inner conflict as to if this is a waste of money or not....
I love Scotch and I love fine quality aspects of life. This Scotch would surely be such. Yet it is also amazing how someone could consume $32,000 worth of a beverage in the matter of days or hours and yet millions of people around the globe are without food or shelter.
Yet again we find the paradox of life. I would LOVE to drink this Scotch and have a great conversation. I would appreciate it and surely enjoy it. Scotch is one of my favorite drinks and how special it would be to taste a 1950 whiskey. What an experience it would be to taste Scotch that was made before I was born. For that I would be grateful.
I also respect anyone who is successful enough to afford $32k Scotch. My congrats and I do believe that its ok to be rich, have nice things and spend money. I also don't believe money is bad, in truth it could solve many of the worlds problems instead of create more. Just depends on how it is used really.
Yet at $1,000+ a shot I would rather feed an entire family in India for 1,000 days.
I feel that until everyone has basic shelter, food and well being we need to dedicate more of our excessive abundance to building sustainable infasructure to achieve this very thing. Let us celebrate fine things in life by helping others have the opportunity to as well.
I don't believe in feeding a man a fish to then feed a fish every day forever. I don't believe in perpetual welfare or even mandatory taxes on anyone let alone the rich.
Though I do believe in providing opportunity for people to actually have a peaceful, abundant and happy life, even if very simple. Anyone who wants to be "wealthy" should have to be responsible for that, it takes a lot to run successful businesses and or make and keep a lot of money. For someone who works hard and contributes great value, deserves to be compensated and enjoy the "fruits" of these contributions.
The truth is, we have more than enough of everything. The problem is misuse. The majority of wealth and resources on earth are hoarded and wasted. The prime example is; just one years of the US military budget could feed every hungry person on earth for a year, if invested in sustainable permaculture, food forestry etc, it could feed billions of people for hundreds of years.
I would sell it and power up. Haha
Jokes a side i would never in my life open and drink a bottle like that. Those money could just go way further than a nice evening. :) but for some people collecting bottles like this is a hobby, and there should be no shame in that. People should have their freedom to spend their hard earned money how they wish.
Yes I agree, though you and I don't have billions of $$$ to blow like many others on earth.
Its all relative, I love exploring the depths of the paradox~*~
Even if I was very wealthy, I could not justify paying that kind of $ for fine whisky. However, if the seller was a known kind hearted philanthropist and I knew the money would likely be used for the benefit of others, than I may consider buying it!
Well said!
Yes it is possible to have profits/proceeds from such an expensive bottle go to helping people in some way also. Then its a win win.
A worthy discussion!
You mentioned more than a years salary, as I just did an an income analysis vs the expected value of participating in the Daily Steemit Selfie Contest - I can say that I live a very happy and fulfilled life (ie I am not starving or living on the streets) and this is 10.8 years of combined household income.
Remember that 'money' is not something to seek after - what you can trade it for varies widely based on where in the world you are ;p
It's good to read your post carefully
Yes there is much within~*~
Interesting. Of course spend a lot of money on a bottle of whiskey - silly. But on the other hand, it is a lot to have a lot of money (or enough for yourself), not to deny yourself what is necessary and not necessary. And at the same time remain a man and help others. This is also how people bought the latest version of the IPhone for $ 700 although you can buy an equivalent SAMSUNG for $ 300-500,
and for other money, for example, buy toys for a children's shelter. Whiskey is a good thing. If you can afford to buy it, you will not be condemned for it, and you will not do anything bad. But it will be bad when after whiskey, then a person walks past the poor man who asks for $ 1, and passes by turning away. Here at such person cost of soul -
a bottle of whiskey. I think so
Probably tastes like paint stripper anyway. ;)
I bet it taste nice.
I really appreciate your perspective. You are very grounded.
It is doubly important that we think of others going into this holiday season. We are going to be spending a large portion of our Christmas budget to help the needed. We already have so much.
Yes, there is a big difference between want and need. Wants are endless, needs are pretty basic and relatively cheap.
I am sure to help people every day and build all my businesses around sustainable models that improve the world not just my pocket book.
Its not just tthat bottle, everything nowdays is to expensive. Iphone X cost 1k$, you can buy used car for that :/
Yes the phone is over priced but atlas you can use it for thousands of hours, do research, capture nice photos of life etc. The whiskey is 32x more expensive and you drink it once and its gone......
Yes all of life is getting more and more expensive though.
agree, $32,000 is way too much for any scotch. Even though single malt is my favorite - good post, cheers
Yes, very nice indeed. Hope to get a taste one day!