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RE: Jeff Berwick Exposes The Federal Reserve and The Entire Matrix Control System on The American Intelligence Report

in #money8 years ago

each country should have a crypto currency with a real backing. backed by gold or whatever the country chooses. the problem is how fast the market changes. what if the price of gold goes down more than 10%? well everyone would be screwed.

but if we continue fiat and base it on the current amount of people and only allow the value of money to change on a base of living beings per state capital then we could have a currency that will never degrade or inflate to much for the country to go into a depression or some other honorable state of living.
sorry if i made no since, im tired and felt i should respond..


Hi @reapersremorse. You have a good view about fiat money i like it.

As stated in the aggreemnt, one of the absolute power that Fed Reserve have is to control the inflation of all country in the world!
You can see their result today by checking world forex chart. They have a power to controll all currencies!
Today you can buy a sheep, tomorrow you only can buy a wheat FedReserve can do this because they are the one who print the paper money.

You asking what happen if gold falls 10% at price.
What happen if fiat money falls at 1000% or even more?
See a Gold Price chart from last 10 years. Bearish or bullish