“The Big Difference!.”

in #money7 years ago (edited)

The fundamental class division in any society is not between rich and poor, or between farmers and city dwellers, but between taxpayers and tax consumers.

Big Differences-PixTeller-191382

What others think of us and how they see us has somehow become an integral part of our lives. Society has set certain standards in the way we live and think. There are “rules” we “need” to adhere to.

If we don’t follow suit, we become different.

Now, different isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but because of our own insecurities (and how our imaginative powers), different can mean looking like an idiot, a loser, a wet blanket, a weirdo or even a rebel.

And the saddest part is a lot of people have accepted that as a way of life, that instead of pushing ourselves to get what we want in life, we should live an unfulfilling life of mediocrity just so we can look “good” in front of others.
