It is no theory that the Fed was conspired in secret
Quote where I said that the Fed was not conspired in secret? The Jekyll Island conference is a fact, and doesn't involve satanic cults and other Dan Brownian fantasies. Technocrats, bankers and captains of industry left, right and above, conspiring to serve their private interests. Always the same. No need to invent some fictional super-villains.
No one said anything about lizards. Don't spread lies.
Let me quote @dryde: "anti-human satanic fiat currency system"
Either he is talking about non-humans or he is talking about nihilist suicidal anti-human humans who miraculously managed to survive over generations in spite of their anti-human affinities to keep pulling the strings of the longest, most inefficient, and most vaporware conspiracy in the history of history. Well or maybe he was talking about some sort of animals. Who knows...