I love this sought of post... you're really on track, just under $2K a month is a fantastic 'base income'. As you say, you can hussle/ pick up temporary work you like the look of.
I'm always surprised at how expensive food is in the US which makes me think, if that's your house in the picture there, you've got a whole lot of lawn just begging to be turned into a greens- and soft-fruit production paradise!
Good work!
Haha, I got some people saying how low my food costs are and you are like - WHAT! So expensive!
No, that is a pic from my previous post of a house for sale for $100K USD. I live in the desert and growing stuff takes a whole project to bring in good soil and protect it from the burning sun.
I have thought about moving to greener pastures. My wife would LOVE to move to the UK, but I think that our expenses would increase drastically. I used to live in Cambridge and I know how much things are!
What can I say - I'm a tight fisted git!
If I lived in the US I'd be one of Paul Wheaton's 'ants' in Montana. Land is too pricey here!
I like the desert - I spent a year living in Albuquerque. Loved it. Loved the climate!