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RE: Is Capitalism Responsible For Environmental Destruction? A short thought exercise!

in #money8 years ago

Excellent! It seems very similar to my needs exercise.

My Needs

This chart is an example of some of my needs I've identified. I highly recommend making one that is specific for you!

DiversityVariety, Adventure, Challenge, Surprise, etc
SignificanceSelf - Expression, Meaning, Validation, Feeling Needed, Purpose, Wanted, etc
LoveConnection, Communication, Intimacy, Interdependence, Community, etc
GrowthPhysical, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual Development
ContributionEffectiveness, To Give, Care, and Serve an Idea Greater Than Myself
RoutineConsistency, Stability, Grounding, etc
Physical HealthClean Air, Organic Food, Fresh Untainted Water, Exercise, Sexual Expression, Natural Shelter
AutonomyFreedom, Space, Independence, etc
PlayJoy, Humour, Passion, Creativity etc
HonestyAuthenticity, Integrity, Presence
BlissCelebration, Nothingness, Relaxation

Meeting our needs in relation to each other and our ecology to grow all forms of capital:

10 Forms Of Capital

Experiential (E)ActionEmbodied Experience, Wisdom, etc
Intellectual (I)KnowledgeIdeas, Focus, Problem Solving, Skills, etc
Spiritual (Sp)Intention, Faith, Focus, Karma, etcGrounding, Balance, Attitude, Passion, Love, etc
Social (S)InfluenceConnections, Family, Relationships, etc
Material (M)Physical ResourcesTools, Equipment, etc
Financial (F)Money, Mediums of ExchangeFiat, Cryptocurrency, Gold, Stock, etc
Living (L)Living ResourcesSoil, Plants, Water, Animals, Air, etc
Cultural (C)Song, Story, Ritual, Ceremony, etcCommunity
Health/Erotic (H)Energy, ArousalMotivation, Vitality, Endurance, Attention, Beauty, Strength, Sex, etc
Time (T)AttentionOur Life!

This is exactly the system we are designing in [Our NeighbourGood].(


Very interesting, I just skimmed the referenced link and look forward to reading it.

Perfect! I'd love to get some criticism if you're willing to give it :)

Would love to, just juggling multiple commitments at the moment.

No worries, if and whenever you care to :)