@stehaller Look at the rally in USD when it was so lope-sided on one side today after this report got published. The hedgefunds now showing the biggest long in EUR. Just look at the election in March in Italy and the growing discontent in the EU towards the refugees policies. Just search online for how many got 1000EUR just for becoming a refugee in italy while locals and elders are forced to pick up left-overs from recycling bin. Those people even had the guts to protest against their treatments in Rome recently nearly the Termini station.
@marketreport are right on a lot of things but I believe the call for the USD going straight down to hell is a little premature. There are so many bad apples out there before the USD.
Also, check out Martin Armstrong. His computer model is saying 2018 will prove to be a fake-out year meaning there will be lots of fake-out move either on the downside and on the upside.