The Future (Truth) of Money: a very special STEEM post - Part 2 of 5

in #money7 years ago (edited)

This series continues from the previous article on the Fundamental Misconceptions of Money.

Money's Fundamental Problem = Civilization's Fundamental Problem

This may not make sense now, but the root of society's problems is that humanity destroys their food with fire. While this likely does not make sense right now, bear with me for a moment. Just know for now that destroying one's food with fire is the ultimate source of civilization's problems, which leads us civilized people (including you who are reading this) to...

  • unbalanced functioning, leading to
  • fear that we do not have enough, leading to
  • the illusion that we are living in a scarce world.

We are literally living in an abundant "garden", commonly referred in the past as the "Garden of Eden". If you do not believe we are living in an abundant world, then you have simply lost the ability to sense that you are living in abundance. That sucks for you, but this post can help you with that.


So what on this Earth is actually "scarce"?

This is a key to understand the problem(s) with civilization that will be solved by our "monetary" future: the future of money. First, let's list the things on earth that are abundant:

  • Food is abundant.
  • Water is abundant.
  • Living space is abundant.
  • Health is abundant.
  • Wealth is abundant.
  • Creativity is abundant.

There is no debate with the ignorant. To help yourself see this reality, repeat the above points to yourself at the first moment when you wake up and the last moment before you go to sleep. Say these points out loud. Furthermore, stop watching TV programs--unless you are watching videos that you have consciously selected to give your attention to.

Due to the internet today,

  • Information is (once again) abundant.

Thank you, Internet! And good-riddance to indoctrinated "education".

To take it a step further, you can literally access all information in the universe through your heart. Before you judge me as crazy, go ahead and at least research Russell Targ, HeartMath, and Drunvalo Melchizedek for more information. Until then, the healthy mind will remain open. And research these topics outside of Wikipedia; through Wikipedia you will only find controlled opposition. And for those of you who are well aware of controlled opposition, Wikipedia will reek of it when you look into and attempt to change the published information on these items!

Truthfully, what things are scarce?

  • The individual's time ("attention" and "intention") on this Earthly realm.
  • The ability to communicate, remember, and fulfill your agreement ("debt") with another living being.

These are the only 2 items that you cannot find in abundance. I will stand to be corrected, by the way.

4 part series.

For the sake of our attention span, this is a 4 part series--each part will refer to a different concept to help readers understand the future of money. Didn't catch Part 1? Read it here, and follow me for updates! :)

~~ @robertgenito

Previously: Part 1 - Fundamental Misconceptions of Money
Now: Part 2 - Money's Fundamental Problem (the Truth)
Next: Part 3 - Humanity's Evolution and Why Money is Involved
Part 4 - The Money of Now and the Future
Finale: The Future of Money is NOT CRYPTO CURRENCY


I more or less agree on a few things, but ... wealth is a mirage. It cannot be created, nor destroyed... but only change hands. Nature is a zero-sum game.

Cool, based on your words, I truly believe you will enjoy and find insightful the future posts on this series :) I published part 4 today, realizing that it needed to be extended to a 5 part series...!

I am blogging exclusively about it... the illusion of wealth.

I am following you, so I wont miss the parts of the series

Following you now too :) thank you!

btw, i love your steem name!

Lots of truth here, we've been fed so many lies from the time we were born.
Not always easy to wake up, simple enough but not easy.
The social and cultural conditioning is very strong.
Keep on keeping on.
Cheers A.

Thank you for your input and innerstanding, Alex!

Yep, you bet!
Hope you weather that big storm (Irma) alright.
Cheers A.

"Bring it on Irma!"

Thanks for sharing

I am happy to share and happy that you appreciate it :) I'll be posting more soon...!