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RE: STOP EVERYTHING WATCH THIS: "A Warning from a Real Economic Collapse Survivor."

in #money7 years ago

Very interesting message Mannarino. I just cannot figure out where I am getting brain washed:

In the mainstream news, with friends, colleagues and family I hear that nothing is wrong and that I am crazy when thinking about investing in cryptos, gold and even stocking up on food (especially the latter one people will say I've turned crazy).

Or am I getting brain washed here on Steemit where there is a general consensus about the economy being in a state of imminent collapse.

Where do one find objective, data backed conclusions about the health of our economy?

Just a thought..



As always..... get your data from several different sources. Look for similarities and differences. Look at the overall picture and look at the smaller pieces that make up the overall picture. Throw it all against the wall and see what sticks.
My personal point of view... JMO... is that the NWO new world order / gloalists DO exist. For them to get what THEY want, the USA economy needs to crash. This will cause global economic meltdown.... If and when they can trigger this, they will present their already prepared solution.

♪♫♪♫ So I want silver, I want gold, I want cryptos to keep me from the gallows pole ♪♫♪♫

How about from the horses mouth? World leaders openly speak of wanting a New World Order, which would come from crisis. Economic crisis?

You can start your research with this compilation.

Yes I know. It is hair pulling when MSM is spreading fake news that economy is fine and friends and relatives around you buy it. I often replay the "Peter Schiff was right" video on YouTube to boost my own moral.