Speaking my language man! :-) I have a ton of other posts specific to real estate on my website too if you want to poke around -https://scaredycatguide.com/scaredy-cat-blog/
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Speaking my language man! :-) I have a ton of other posts specific to real estate on my website too if you want to poke around -https://scaredycatguide.com/scaredy-cat-blog/
Nice page man ! A LOT of really good info on your site ... I hope you are making $ from all that work !
I used to rent to own, renovate and move on .. then lost it all, 25 yrs work down the drain and lost all my (25 yrs collection) tools. At least I didn't lose the knowledge I gained. Starting over w/out a dime is a challenge, but !! I know a few things, lol !! Good luck in the future man !
BTW !! I would REALLY like to see you post on ... Acquiring abandoned properties ... of at least your thoughts on it. So many people doing/trying this.
Are you talking properties that people walked away from cus they were so underwater or...?
Consider .. driving in the mountains, come around a corner and seeing a house that has not been lived in for 10+ YRS ... seemingly abandoned. They are everywhere in the US.