This New Credit Card will be one of the very first credit cards in which you can earn cashback and monthly checks just by sharing with your friends, family etc... VITAL rewards you based on how many friends you sign up. You also get credit for everyone your friends bring in and even their friends too! Every time you sign up a friend to VITAL you earn 4 points towards your VITAL Score. Plus, you get an additional 2 points for everyone your friend signs up and another 1 point for the people they sign up.
The Credit Card That Pays You To Share
Get paid cash forever for each person you sign up. Plus earn 1% cash back on all transactions.
What is VITAL?
How VITAL Works
Share To Earn Cash Rewards
Share VITAL Card
VITAL rewards you based on how many friends you sign up. You also get credit for everyone your friends bring in and even their friends too!
Grow Your VITAL Score
Your VITAL Score determines how much cash you earn every month. The more you share, the higher your score grows. Click here to see how we calculate scores.
Earn Cash Rewards
Your cash rewards are deposited straight into your account every month - even if you have no additional shares that month, the rewards keep coming!
Total Direct
Every Month
You Get
This calculator assumes your friends refer at least 4 people. Example is based on 100,000 total VITAL users with an average monthly spend of $1,500.
How We Calculate Your VITAL Score
Every time you sign up a friend to VITAL you earn 4 points towards your VITAL Score. Plus, you get an additional 2 points for everyone your friend signs up and another 1 point for the people they sign up.
A Community That Pays
At VITAL, we are committed to empowering our members with income opportunities earned from community building. We're okay with making less, if it means growing a large successful community of VITAL members. The credit card applications will be available for applicants this summer, so you can be one of the first to recieve your very own. Check it out if interested and get started earning points today!!!
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