in #money7 years ago (edited)

Trust me this is the post you are looking for if you have interest in graphics design. This post is all about my own experience as a graphics designer from the beginning. I am still a newcomer in freelancing world. I have spent maybe little BUT I have experienced many unexpected thing when I looked for earning money by creating design. After having many difficulties I have now understand how can a beginner earn money making design. I am writing this post because I want you to go on right track from the beginning and with prove and reference I will guide you to make real money.




In this part I will talk about how can you earn money designing with a very little amount of investment and why you should invest money on something that you are not so expert. I will also tell you how can you earn without investing money in the next part so stay and read my full post to understand whole process to make money.
T shirt designing is the best way to start carrier as a graphics designer. Because T shirts are easy to create and sometime you don’t need any software to create awesome T shirt. T shirt is very high demand product and there is lots of opportunity to you make money. You maybe heard about print on demand t shirt company’s , they create your designed t shirt and sell them for you and give you money for that. There are many company’s out there and you can submit your design to them and they will print and sell it. So the first question ask me that you don’t know Photoshop and you don’t know illustrator how can you design and earn. The answer is you don’t need any software to create design. I am going to introduce you with teespring.com

Teespring is a website where you can design custom tee shirts and other apparel such as hoodies, socks, mugs etc. using their proprietary online design software. Once you create a custom design, you can share a link with your friends who can buy your t-shirt design.
A giant print on demand t shirt market holder right now. In there website you will find a built in design generator where you can design with there custom made artwork and you can add your own custom text to make a design. Then you have to just submit it to make it live for selling.
HOW TEESPRING WORKS ![teespring-new2.png ()

Step 1: Upload your artwork or create a tee using their online design tools

Step 2: Finalize your tee style and colors, and price your tee

Step 3: List it for sale on the marketplace website

Step 4: Market it to your social followers and other audiences, like your blog or email list

Step 5: The website handles all sales, printing, and shipping for you

Step 6: You get paid your cut of the profit.

This look so simple but it is not that simple as it is look a like.The biggest part of challenge is marketing your t shirt.

Teespring will only print and deliver design if someone order your design on there website.

To make order you have to marketing or advertise your product.

MommyBattery.pngFacebook advertise is the most best way to do that. In facebook you can have your targeted audience easily and the cost is very low. If your design is creative and relevant and on trending topic then you can have 300/400% profit of your investment or even much more you can even imagine.

And another most important is the design. What is the design you need to create. You need to do market research for creating design. Your design can be simple text design. But the text should be something about you targeted audience.
Search on internet for getting detail idea about tee spring business and then invest your money.



Now I am going to share you how you can advertise your product if you don’t have money or you don’t wanna risk your money. Well this way is totally not easy at all and you have to be very active and have to work hard for getting success.

Now we know how to create design and we just have to know how to advertise it free so that people come and buy it. Social site like steemit, facebook , twitter , instagram is very important here to make our mission possible . we have to use social site and find our customer and advertise them very gentle way so that its not looks like spam.

Let me explain it, if we advertise a product on any social media like buy this product and start commenting every post for buying your product most of the social site will block you for doing so post.Block-Spammer_thumb.png

But if we play some trick than we can make it not look like spam and advertising it also.
Here is a example

Twitter is a great social site and we can find most trending option on twitter where most people visit . we have to take a relevant post of our interest and create a reply where we have to mention our product and not to look like a advertisement.

Suppose someone post “Hi its my Birthday” and we can reply it with

“do you want me to buy this awesome t shirt for you+ product link” this way you can advertise product and it will not look like a spam.

You have to claver enough if you marketing product free.

you can use any other social site and find communitys where you can join and share your product.
But I will recommend you to invest money and your creativity on Teespring because I found this a great way for success. Do some research today on teespring and once you understand the process you can also make money with it. I saw many people in my country doing teespring business and getting result. Its a great Business idea .

Well this post is for someone who don’t know basic design . If you know designing then there is lot more way for you to income. I will talk about this later. If you find this post helpful share it to other and upvote my post and follow me. Thank you everyone.
![IMG_20180610_155218.JPG ()community.teespring.com/blog/category/creator-insights-bn/


This is actually good content. Thanks for introducing me to Teespring!

Make a good reserch and earn real money selling product. good luck.