Easiest way to make money online - requires no skills - Make $100s in Profit and Supplement Your Income Today

in #money9 years ago

Do you dream of making money online? Do you want to make a little money to help pay the bills at the end of the month? In this article, I will outline how anyone can make money online without requiring any skills.


The first method is using Fiverr. This is is a website where people sell their services for $5 at a time. These services can range from anything to creating a jingle, writing somone's name on your body, translation services, drawing etc... you can find just about anything on Fiverr. I can hear you saying, "But I don't want to work for $5". The good news is, you don't have to!

On Fiverr you can have what are called "upsells." You know, when you are at Macdonalds and they ask whether you would like fries with your order. That is an upsell. On Fiverr, upsells are generally providing your service at a faster rate. For expample, you could charge $40 for the delivery of your service within 24 hours.

Even if you do not like Fiverr, it is a great way to make some extra money online when starting out. A lot of people eventually move away from Fiverr with an existing customer base.

Fiverr Arbitrage/Service Resells

Now that I have briefly discussed Fiverr and you have a better understanding of what it is, I will tell you how you can make $10s-$100s at a time without having to do any work yourself. This method is what I like to call Fiverr Arbitrage and all it requires is finding someone who is willing to pay a decent amount of money for a service which you will then outsource to a Fiverr seller and you get to pocket the profits.

What kinds of services make a decent amount of profit?

I tend to outsource graphic design jobs or website creation jobs.

Where to outsource the work?

To find someone to do the work for you, you should check out job sites such as freelancer.com and upwork.com.

Where to find work?

You no know where to outsource the work to and what kinds of services make profit. You still need to find the work to outsource though. I like to find the jobs in Craiglist ads. People who tend to use Craigslist are older people who may lack technical skills. You can easily find someone on Craigslist looking for services such as webdesign which can then outsource on freelance job sites and keep the profit for yourself.


Step 1. Have services
Step 2. Sell them!

Easy peasy. :)

Fiverr and Craigslist are perfect partners when it comes to making extra cash.