I would say several thousand, I have seen a few posts that have made around $1,200 within a 24 hour period, but I have also seen screen shots on youtube of videos that have had made $3,000 after a week, but I think these were posts that whales got a hold of
I have seen posts that's make a thousand in first hour itself.
Does the system advantage some post over others?
I've seen a 15K post.. It was for a steemer who had cancer... Community really came together for em
Great cause, very impressive...
I would say several thousand, I have seen a few posts that have made around $1,200 within a 24 hour period, but I have also seen screen shots on youtube of videos that have had made $3,000 after a week, but I think these were posts that whales got a hold of
Wow that's huge cash
I think @dollarvigilante made over $15,000 with his first post here. But, he brought a huge YouTube audience with him.