Hi there,
I thought steemit might be a good way of sharing "methods" of earning money. Usually sharing something related to money is not a good thing, since people will usually ruin it for everyone by exploiting it etc.
Steemit on the other hand rewards you if users feel your Guide is usefull, so let´s give this a try.
Importance of a decent title
Make money online - Very bad title
Make 100 000 $ online - It is better
How i made 100 000$ online - It is even better
How i made 101 437$ online in just 2 weeks - I would say this is the best
Sexy girl - Very bad title
Sexy girl stripping - Better
Sexy girl stripping for you - Even better
Sexy girl stripping in front of a policemen - I would say this is the best
Keep in mind: do not use generic terms or generic numbers for a title, since that would not be credible. Use more exact details and people will pay more attention. Other catchy phrases: Oh my god, THIS is insane, the WORST signer ever, usually demand attention from user. Be sure to include capitalization in your title, but not a full title written in caps letters. Just highlight the most important ones.
You can also use misleading titles. For instance you upload a trailer, but say:
“See the FULL movie here” People will enter to see the video like crazy.
Or, lets say you have a simply sexy strip video. You use phrases like the one mentioned above:
“Sexy girl stripping in front of a policemen” even if your video may be just a simple strip one.
The idea is to make the visitors watch the video. Later in the report you will see how you can
benefit from it.
Importance of tags
Write as many tags till they will tell you that you have reached the maximum number of characters possible. Simple as that. You can search for an existing video according to your niche/video over the youtube and here you can use the Tags used by others. So this will give you a idea that how you can shuffle good tags to get your video go viral which will produce more and more views for you.
Importance of description
First thing your description should contain your url with http://www in front of it. Then press enter 4-5 times. Shitload of text here, take one of those keyword research tools that generates results on an input keyword and copy paste plenty of text here. So far, youtube search engine is based on descriptions but it does not penalize word spam so to speak. This will drastically improve your rankings in the youtube search engine.
Importance of a decent thumbnail
At youtube the thumbnail is just the picture from exactly the middle of the video. Pay attention to this, a bad thumbnail can spoil your video. On the other hand, there are people who got thousands of views just from the fact that they used a misleading but appealing picture in the middle of the video, which appeared as their thumbnail.
Be the first to upload
One of the secret of gaining youtube views is to be the first one to upload a potential viral video. For instance, be the first one to upload a new trailer of a movie or of a game. Be the first one to upload the highlights from champion leagues. Be the first one to upload the latest celebrities’ spoofs. Try to take new videos from other websites and upload them fast to youtube.
Now, as a matter of fact what are the videos that are usually viewed and go viral:
-funny, comedy
-drama = shock, bad accidents, stuff like that
-cute = babies, pets, etc..
-latest games, movies, shows etc.
Trick copyright
There are several people who host copyrighted TV-shows without getting infracted by Youtube. They achieve that by putting a frame around the Episode, which kind of lifts the copyright of that Show. Here is an example
Just find a show that is not on Youtube yet and put a frame around it. Voila, watch the viewers come in.
Not sharing my channels in fear of getting trashed by rogue users ;)
I am thinking about something similar...
And I have come up with this:
What do you think?