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RE: Financial Dependence or Independence ?

in #money8 years ago

Isn't true financial independence only accomplished through elimination of all expenses? For example, living in the mountains in a cabin you built, with a natural artesian well that does not require electricity, growing/ and raising all your necessary food.
Many think of financial independence as having so much money you can do all you want, but really, even if you had millions or billions of dollars, you are still dependent upon the value of that money. If all your money is in stocks, the stock market could crash. If it is all in cash, the money could devalue to nothing (Zimbabwe 100 trillion dollar notes). If it is in assets, they could be stolen, or rust or be replaced by new technology.
Contrary to popular belief, a nomad in the African bush is truly financially independent, not the millionaire Wall Street tycoon.
Thoughts, anyone?


I agree with you but we are talking about things by keeping certain things invariable. Otherwise, it won't be possible to predict anything. I totally appreciate your comment.